Chapter 4: A Small feeling

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"Shit" I was starting to lose control of the small sun I was trying to create.

I was trying to make the mini sun a balanced type of spell, but now its going out of control. Fuck, just what do I do. The feeling of how it grew into my hands was now starting to burn my hands, how can something like this escalate so quickly?!

I needed to think quick or else this thing could grow into an actual sun. I had quickly tried to take the Sphial from it and redirect it out of my body, but even as I did that the Sphial quickly got absorbed by the mini sun, and now its almost as big as my head. Crap!

I tried to keep my stance still just to be careful that I don't stumble or trip, but now the sun is also creating a small wave of hot air, as the wave of hot air was rising I was desperately trying to look for a solution, and then it hit me, why don't I just absorb the energy from the ball throughout my whole body. I decided its do or die, there's no time and the ball of fire has already grown to half of my body!

Taking a deep breath as the sweat drops down from my forehead I started to slowly take away Sphial and forced it into all my body parts, as I drain the Mini suns energy, the sun starts lowering in size and the heat starts lowering, the wave of heat starts fading but as I take the heat and energy. I could feel the veins on my arms and body, starting to tense up as I continue this process.

The suns size has gone as small as a football now but I'm starting to get dizzy.

"What is this?!" I heard someone say, I didn't notice him walk in, but now as my whole body has almost finished taking the energy of the Mini sun I have made, as the ball has dissipated slowly, I tried to keep my stance.

"What has happened?!" I think I heard the voice of the elder speak now.

As I try my hardest to stay standing, I walk towards the elder as hard as I can, the feeling in my muscles are heavy and very straining, I took two steps but before I could go any few steps further the elder stops me.

"You need to rest, you could hurt yourself if you keep trying to hard"

As he lowered me down to the ground gently I was already too dizzy to think straight, better yet to even stay awake.
By the time I had seen a person with some kind of skull as his head my vision blurred out and I passed out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Huh? Where am I? What is this place?

I looked around as I could but I could see nothing, the place was as dark as a basement with no light source or window. I could hear nothing here, it felt like I had no ears, or rather it felt like all my senses were dulled out with nothing to taste, hear, I couldn't even move. It was like I was stuck.

Although I could not feel or move, I felt someone or something there with me, like someone's watching me. It wasn't simple though, it was like he was a giant presence, something that could destroy me any second, but he didn't feel hostile to hurt me, it just felt like he was around.

I was stuck in that dark empty space for a while and I felt odd, wasn't boredom or anything in particular it was a feeling that I was more energized, I could see dark all around, but what was there to see?

After silence took my mind I started to hear a voice.

"It looks like he's dead, he doesn't seem to move but how can he still live after all that has happened?"(?)

The voice sounded frisky and ancient, but it I didn't think I could hear other voices speaking as well.

"it has been quite a while since it has happened" (???) This voice sounded younger then he first.

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