Chapter 2

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The next day at wrestling practice Lauren couldn't believe her eyes. Of course she didn't think Camila was actually going to show up, but what she couldn't believe was just how delicious Camila's ass looked in spandex.

Lauren was definitely fond of Camila's ass, but THIS... well this just took it to a whole other level. Camila was wearing light grey Nike spandex, and they hugged her hips just the right way, and it just got Lauren going.

Camila wasn't even doing anything, just sitting on the wrestling room floor, picking away at the red and black flooring, a dull expression on the younger girls face, but she still managed to look completely breath-taking.

Lauren was practically drooling, but she internally willed herself to stop, before Camila noticed, not like it would be hard to catch her, since she is literally always staring at the younger girl.

"Okay ladies, and gents, we will start off with a warm up mile, and then get into some basic exercises," Lauren informed the group of teenagers, earning some loud groans at the mention of running, but nevertheless all of them rose with Lauren, and followed her outside.

Lauren lead them to the track, and they all began to jog at a slowly, but Lauren gradually increased her pace, and told them she expected them to keep up with her. She would glance back every couple of minutes to make sure she didn't have any stragglers, but of course Camila Cabello was at the butt of the whole team, trailing behind them by a full straight.

"Hold up guys," she instructed the team, "we have a fallen member, we are a team, so we must work as one," the teenagers only nodded, and began to slow their pace, allowing Camila to catch up. She smiled at the bunch gratefully.

The rest of practice went by quickly. They didn't have to do too much since it was the first day, and Coach Reynolds was feeling extra generous. They only trained for around an hour or so, not getting into the moves, and tactics, but more of 'boot camp' activities.

Even though it was only a basic workout, it was more than Camila had done in years. To say she was tired was an understatement. The girl's body was aching from head to toe, her skin was practically on fire. Who expected a girl like her to be able to run 20 sets of bleachers? But she did it, and though she was dying she was quite proud of herself.

Camila wasn't really interested in the whole wrestling thing, but her father was gaga for it, and she had always wanted to make him proud of her. After years of being a lazy teenager, and not doing any sports, she finally decided to give it a whirl, and maybe earn some extra love from her father.

She didn't think it would be that hard. But oh fuck, was it. Camila's mind trailed to how Lauren Jauregui seemed to breeze through the workouts, like it was water off of a duck's back. She was slightly jealous, but she would never voice that.

Lauren had a big enough head as it was. The girl believed that the world practically revolved around her, and she treated Camila as if she was a piece of meat. Camila hated it. Of course she thought Lauren was extremely attractive and if the girl had a different attitude she wouldn't be opposed to befriending her, but she was cocky, arrogant, and just damn bothersome.

She would pop up out of nowhere, and just call Camila all kinds of names. Though they weren't hurtful, they weren't endearing either. More like mild catcalls.

Camila's best friend, Ingrid Nilsen came to pick her up from the track, laughing when she seen just how fucked up Camila was. Her bun had fallen from the top of her head, and was now just hanging limply, her red tee-shirt was drenched, and her grey spandex had severe butt sweat.

"Oh shut up," Camila hissed, while climbing into the passenger seat. She groaned as her muscles screamed at her to stop moving. She would definitely not be able to walk tomorrow.

"Stop all that whining, I wouldn't be whining if I were you..." Ingrid trailed off, her focus now on getting them off of the school's property.

"And why is that?" questioned Camila, wanting to know why the girl would be happy to be in immense pain.

"Because, you get to see a hot and sweaty Lauren Jauregui," Ingrid practically growled. It was no secret to Camila that Ingrid found Lauren to be incredibly attractive, well every girl and boy in the school did.

Lauren was extremely easy on the eyes, but Camila believed that her arrogance terminated any attraction she could have for the girl.

"She doesn't even sweat," Camila's mind flickered back to her short memory of watching Lauren do fifty burpees without even one drop of sweat breaking from her hairline. It was like the girl was a robot. "It's insane."

Ingrid rolled her eyes, "well... it would still be hot to watch her workout," she reasoned. Camila just shook her head, ignoring her best friends thirstiness. 

AN// Once again, I already had this chapter posted, but please let me know what you guys think about my story, it would really make my day! This is more of a filler chapter, the next couple of chapters will be around the same kind of content, before we get into the good stuff. Thank you for reading , lots of love, 


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