"You don't have to," I mumbled.

"I'm afraid I do. Now, my family has been humble in their lives. We were poor. We always had to work hard. But-" He sighed. "-Once I started to build this company and make money, I gave them money. They took advantage of that. My siblings. My parents. It's just my family and I don't get along. My father is distant and mean, abusive. My mother ignored these things and would be overbearing but not in the right ways. My older sister was mean and always asks for money. My older brother is mean and jealous. My younger sister refuses to talk to me. Then my younger brother ignores me."

"Why?" I asked.

He sighed. "Where to begin?"

"I said you don't have to."

"No, no. How are we supposed to be comfortable with each other if we don't know anything about one another?"

I shrugged, letting him continue.

He leaned back against the armrest, looking at me. He stopped massaging my hands but was holding it still with his index finger and thumb. "You know of...my sexuality right?"

"Uh...no," I said, laughing nervously. Oh my god would he tell me it? "People say you're bisexual."

He nodded, understanding that. He leaned back forward and continued to massage my hand. "Well you can say I'm not exactly straight. I was eleven when my father caught me and the neighbor boy together. We just kissed, curious. My father didn't like that when he caught us. The other boy ran home and Dad let me know with his trusty belt why I shouldn't do that anymore. My mother ignored that but would force me to go out with women and I did. I didn't mind going out with them, but that didn't mean I didn't want to go out with boys either. Have you ever heard Pink Floyd's song Mother?"

A smile crossed my lips. "Yes," I said. "Oh me oh my I love Pink Floyd." I put a hand to my face, gushing at how much I adored that band.

He smirked, nodding. "My mother is kind of like that. She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing. She cared, but only about some things. My oldest brother Claude was definitely the favorite. He was athletic and big and burly. He liked sports and would pick on the fairies. He failed so many classes and yet my parents were so proud of him. I aced all of my classes but never did they say they were proud of me. Claude was still jealous. He asked why I was smart and attractive one time. He called me a fag and said that the he should look like me because he was straight. He hated that I never cared how I looked, and yet girls liked me more. He wanted to tell everyone I was a fag but he knew my parents would be upset. He always wanted to be like me and yet he had what I wanted. My parents' admiration. That's why he didn't like me, and he disliked me even more once I became successful. As for my sister Axelle, she just didn't like anything. She hated our family. She so badly wanted to be rich and glamorous. She was jealous as well because I became friends with these rich people and they never liked her. Michael's family was the richest in town. She always wanted to date him, but of course he's gay and she hated Emilio since they were best friends. Emilio was just a poor Cuban and people could be quite racist They never got why the two hung out."

"That's kind of cute," I said.

He smirked. "Yeah. They were very cute together back then. But anyway...My younger brother Clovis just ignored me, like I said. I honestly don't know what he thinks of me. He never says anything to me. He's pretty successful, a director. And as for Delphine, she dated a pastor's son and became extremely religious so she never liked that I would go off with boys. She called me a sinner. But of course, she got knocked up and then aborted her baby, but that doesn't matter. I'm pro-choice but she's a hypocrite. I mean, my family is just so terribly messed up. They're the type of people who just cause messes and expect everyone else to clean them up." His face grew older in seconds. He was only thirty but looked so stressed it was clear on his face.

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