Follow you into the Dark

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Max's POV

I wake up to a soft guitar rythm.
Chloe is not in the bed.
Maybe she's showering, she probably just put on the radio.
I stretch and walk towards the bathroom.
Theres no one there I walk towards the glass door and see Chloe picking a peacefull patern on a guitar. She plays guitar?
I slowly slide open the door and stand in the doorpost just admiring her.
{ I suggest you to play Follow you into the dark by Deathcab for cutie. }

She doesn't see me it seems like she's in her own little world. I grab my camera and take a sneaky photo without flash. She doesn't even notice.
She opens her mouth. My jaw drops.
Her voice is it's beautifull.
" Love of mine, some day you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark

If Heaven and Hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the No's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark."
When she wants to start the next line she looks over to me and chokes.
She stops and stares at me.
"No don't stop it was beautifull."
Chloe turns redder than I have ever seen.
She puts the guitar next to her and scratches the back of her head while laughing awkwardly.
"Please tell me you didn't hear anything."
"Oh no babe I heard it all."
I sit next to her and put my head on her shoulder. She wraps her arm around me .
"We really need to discuss that nickname sweetie."
I look at her,"Noooo I like it."
She kisses me.
"Secretlly I do too."
And with that we just sit there enjoying our morning.
Looking at the sun rising from the lake.
Just us being together. I want this, her by my side for the rest of my life.

I start thinking about the lyrics of the song and finally ask why Chloe was singing that specific song.
"My father loved Deathcab. Follow you into the dark was the song they played at his funeral. I couldn't listen to it for years but after some time I started to understand the lyrics and I learnend to play it. Everytime I play I just imagine dad being next to me enjoying his favorite song."
I look up at Chloe. Some tears have formed in her eyes and I wipe them away.
"It's ok to cry."
She hugs me and puts her head on my shoulder letting everything out.
"I just miss him so much Max."
I rub circles on her back trying to comfort her.
"I know Che I miss him too."
I start to tear up too.
We are both silentlly sobbing.
Thinking about William.
I have so many happy memories with him. I wish I could rewind and could keep him from going out that door.
We are packing our stuff to head towards the airport.
I see Chloe staring at the guitar.
"No we are not taking it with us!"
"But Max come on why are you such a buzzkill."
She tackles me to the bed and starts tickling me.
"Hahaha haha Ch...Chloe p-please ahhaha stop!"
I yell out between laughs. I try to kick her of me but to no aveil she's to fucking strong.
"No way Maximus this is payback!"
And thats when I came with the brilliant idea to just grab her boobs.
She stopped and looked at me.
"Now?" She asks raising an eyebrow.
I take a quick look at the clock.
"We got another hour so yeah now!"
She kisses me and the rest is history.

Chloe's POV

I'm buttoning up my shirt and see one is missing.
"Max you broke my fucking shirt."
"Sorry but you know how I get when your shirts aren't cooperating."
"It's hot when you just rip it off though."
I say as I take it off and just put on a tank top with the text "Straight outta Hella Gay" on it.
"Then you shouldn't complain about it." She yells from the bathroom.
Max walks out of the bathroom and looks at my shirt.
"When did you buy that?"
She says pointing to my shirt.
I strike a pose.
"What you don't like it?"
She rolls her eyes and gives me a kiss while she passes to continue pscking her bags.
"You look adorable my lesbian queen."
She says with a cute chuckle at the end.
"Hold it I'm flattered but we all know Ruby Rose is the lesbian queen."
"I think you are cuter though"
She says while throwing my jacket towards me.
I take it off me and look at Max packing our things.
This is our life now. Packing up going places. Man I wish this could be forever but I guess we can't just do that so I'll enjoy the time we have now.
Max catches me staring at her and blushes.
I shake my head, put on my jacket and throw my bag over my shoulder.
"Ready to go sweetie?"
Why am I still using it. It feels so natural now fuck I became soft.
She looks at me blushing and grabbing her bag. She plants a kiss on my cheek and grabs my hand.
"With you, always." She says.
We check out of the hotel and take a taxi to the airport. David offered to pick up my truck so I wont have to pay to keep it parked at the airport.
Ever since.all that shit went down we acctually started bonding. I can't believe I'm thinking this but he's nice.

We get in the first cab we see and give our destination.
"I'm so pumped do you even know how long I've been wanting to go to Amsterdam!" I say moving like an electrefied squirrle.
Max is going through some sort of brochure and speaks in a soft voice.
"Ever since you started smoking?"
I can't sit still I'm really hyped.
Max puts her hand on my leg to make me stop shaking.
"I wanna try it."
"I want to smoke one."
She whispers so the chauffeur wouldn't hear.
My jaw drops and I just stare at her probably with a "NO WAY" expression on my handsome face.
"Are... are you for real?"
I raise my eyebrow and Max starts laughing.
"Geez I didn't know I was such a good girl in your eyes."
"Well you're not we both know how bad you get in the shower."
She slaps my arm and turns red.
"Ssssht not everyone needs to know that!" She gives a quick look at thecab driver. He looks like a nice guy. He isn't the typical fat cab driver no he's acctually in shape and has pretty nice hair. He probably digs lesbians. This is perfect. I look out of the window checking where we are.
We are almost at the airport so this is my perfect shot. Sweet sweet revenge for my shirt!!
"Hey dude me and my girlfriend are having hot shower sex tonight want to join!"
I say while holding my hand on his shoulder. He spits out his coffee and starts coughing trying to pull the cab to the side.
I completlly loose my shit and Max starts hitting me.
"What the fuck Chloe you nearly got us killed!"
I kiss her to shut her up. Thank god it worked.
"I'm sorry man I just like to get her angry here's a tip sorry for the coffee too."
I apolagize as me and Max get out of the cab.
He says it's fine and wishes us good luck in Holland.
"What a nice guy don't you think hun."
Max looks at me annoyed and continues walking.
"I'm not talking to you."
She says speading up.
"Come here you." I yell as I chase after her. I grab her in no time and lift her up turning her around in the process so she faces me. We gaze into eachothers eyes. I drown in those loving blue eyes of hers even though she's trying to look angry she still looks cute as hell.
She kisses me and it's then that I realize we are standing in the middle of the airport.
I put Max down and we both act like nothing happend.
Hand in hand we make our way to the terminal ready for another adventure!

This chapter turnend out pretty good again I had time I'llmaybe upload another chapter tommorow MAYBE.
Anyways just wanted to let you know my schedule was just a prediction so the dates of release aren't really accurate. Sometimes the chapter can be earlier or later then the date but I'm not leaving so if it's later don't worry I'm not planning to stop untill I die 0-0 *insert very serious face*

As always thanks for the votes and lovely comments.
I love you all.
Stay Hella Dope

yours truly {BluePunkRockRebel}

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