Rollercoaster Romance

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But hte next chapter will be published on the first of december also this fanfic is ENDING!! Don't panic tho it will continue in another fanfic called
Partners in Time!!
I love all of you enjoy ;)

Max's POV

"Come on Chloe before the line gets to long!!"
I practically drag Chloe acros the park to the rollercoaster.
I may not look like a thrill seeker but I am one. Hell I used to jump off cliffs into the ocean in my summer vacations.
"Shouldn't have eatin all those hot dogs."
Chloe says.
I stop running and face Chloe. She looks a bit dizzy.
"Are you ok?"
I ask putting my hand on her shoulder.
Then she looks normal again and smiles.
"I'm fine you just needed to stop."
"What why?"
Chloe says pointing to the sky.
We both look up. She grabs my hand and we interlock our fingers.
The park was so peacefull at night. We were standing in an open space where the lights were dimed. You could see so many stars.
It was beautifull.
I look over at Chloe who's admiring the sky like a cat watching a laser light.
This needs to be captured.
I grab my polaroid and make a picture of this amazing moment.
Chloe looks at me with a serious face.
"Now let's get to that coaster."
She walks towards me. When she's right infront of me she squats.
"Hop on!"
"What? really?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Yes it'll be like old times only I get to feel your boobs in my back."
"Is that why you want to give me a piggy back ride."
I hop on Chloe's back and rest my arms on her shoulder. She holds my legs.
"Yep and to make all the other couples jealous of our cuteness."
And with that she started running.
We were both laughing and enjoying this moment. She is so strong? How?
We arrive at "Death Mountain" in a flash.
I jump of Chloe. She's still smiling like an idiot and sweating a bit.
She pulls me in for a kiss and i happily answer. It was more pasionate then intended. We both seperate out of breath.

"Let's do this!" Chloe almost yells when it's finally our turn.
She grabs my hand and we pick a cart.
"Didn't know you liked rollercoasters so much?" Chloe asks putting her safety belt on.
"I don't, I just can't wait to see you shit your pants."
I answer with a smirk.
She looks at me with an raised eyebrow.
"Maxine Caulfield I never thaught you would use smack talk in public."
I punch her arm.
"Max never Maxine, Elizabeth!"
She stares at me. Her eyes are spitting fire. If looks could kill.
The rollercoaster starts and we are heading up. Chloe is still looking at me with the same deathstare. I try to keep in my laugh but it escapes me.
"I swear Max when we get out I'm going to ki...ll yoooooouuuuuuu"
She screams while the cart is going down.
A sharp turn to the right we are both laughing our asses off. Why?
Because this is hella awesome!!
A looping and some more sharp turns.
Ocasional "woohoo's" and screaming makes it even more fun.
When the ride stops I look at Chloe "Thank you for giving up Timesquare for me."
We get out and Chloe grabs my hand.
"I didn't give up anything. Everything I want is right next to me."
She looks at me with those ocean blue eyes.
She picks me up and kisses me.
"Seriously when did you get this strong" I say when our lips part.
"They say sex is the best exercise."
She whispers and winks.
Another kiss and she puts me down.
We stroll through the park holding hands and just enjoying the view of the starry night.

Chloe's POV

I take a look at my phone.
23:57 already.
"Max we need to hurry to that open field."
Max nods and we both pick up our pace.
We arrive in two minutes.
So many families and couples are sitting in the open field having fun waiting for the fireworks to begin.
Max finds a spot and we place ourselfs onto a blanket.
I hold Max her hand and look at her.
"Before the new year starts want to confess anything?"
I ask.
Max looks at me and smiles.
"Yes. Chloe Price I love you."
"I love you too Max."
We kiss and right at that moment people start counting down.
When me and Max part our lips the fireworks start going of. The sky explodes with all sorts of beautifull colors.
I stare into Max her eyes.
"Happy new year sweetie."
She lays her hand on my cheek and gives me a quick kiss.
"Happy new year babe."
She replies.
She lays her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her.
We watch the fireworks. I look around and see almost all couples in the same position as us. This would've made an awesome photo. No wait Max should think this not me.
The fireworks continue for a long time.
For being a small town Themepark there's a lot of people and the fireworks are pretty impresive.
We are sitting there admiring the fireworks that paint the sky all kinds of colors with the stars in the background. This couldn't get any more perfect.

It's 1:30 am.
Max and I are heading home after one of the most special nights in both our lifes.
Tommorow we are driving to the airport to catch our plain to Amsterdam.
Ooooh the amount of weed I'm going to smoke there is over 9000.
After staying in the Netherlands for a few days we continue our adventure back packing to Rome. We wanted that survival feel.
Hey don't look at me it was Max's idea.
We wanna see as much as we can in just a year.
After Rome it will be India.
But we are not going to specific places we are going to backpack through the wilderness. That was my idea.
I don't know what it is but I find it soothing to know we are alone somewhere.
I know the creep is still out there.
She would probably not follow us this far but still it's just complicated I guess.

We rented a hotel room close to the themepark.
It's pretty nice. There's a balcony where you have the best view from the lake across the hotel.
The bathroom is hella spacious.
The shower is just ugh I can't describe how awesome. I swear if I could tak it with me I would. There's a small guitar in the cornor. I tried to force Max to play but she just started kissing me and well one thing led to another you know how that goes.

I'm staring at the ceiling thinking about our adventures. Max is laying on my chest. She's asleep.
I'm softly going through her hair.
These past few days with her have been so.... I don't think there's a word to describe how happy I am to just be with her out here.
Her smile, the jokes and even the ocasional name calling to push eachothers buttons it's all I want.
It would be to early to propose now hell I don't even have the money for a ring but one day Maxine Caulfield you will be my wife.

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