Mark Breaks

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"What ever we saw, it could come back", Mark said. "I just wish that everyone would stop leaving",.

"You think I like it when people die?", I asked. "Come on let's get off this roof and spend the night in a hotel room until morning",.

"Okay", Anna said.

I began to climb the ladder down to the top level of the hotel. I found a really big room only partially trashed.

"I'm so tired", Alexander said yawning.

"Come here", Fritz said grabbing his little brother and rocking him back and forth. Alex drifted off to sleep and Fritz tucked the little guy in to one of the two beds.

"Guys after what I saw, whatever happens just know that I am sorry for what I did to Jack, even though I did not mean it", Annalee said.

"It's fine now", I said.

"I was worried that you would try and kill me again", Annalee chuckled.

"Sometimes my brain gets out of wack and ever since this... Apocalypse started I have felt really angry at the world..", I said sitting on a chair.

"What should we do Mark?", I asked.

"You asked me? But I'm not the leader, you have something to live for", Mark asked as his face turned to look out the boarded up window as a tear went down his face. "My friends, family, people I care about this world... It's all gone guys... It's gone",.

"We have each other though an if I am completely honest with you I honestly could not live out with you Mark", I said.

Mark lifted up his head and smiled as another tear fell.

"Yes we might be surviving for nothing but the rest of the group would have wanted us to survive", I said.

"Your right", Anna said.

"Lets talk tomorrow guys its starting to get late", Fritz said. "We will re cap tomorrow",.

"Okay", Mark said sniffling and climbing in to bed and facing the wall. Anna got in bed with Mark but there was 2 feet in between them. Fritz slept with Alex and I was in a chair in the corner with only my thoughts. I did not know what to do to keep these guys spirts up. I was running out of motivation for them to stay strong. I now saw that Mark was breaking. From my chair in the corner I heard light cries and wines coming from Mark.

I hated hearing him that sad.

I didn't know what to do with myself.

Should we even try?

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