Chapter 21: Sean or My parents?

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I wake up, I turn around and find myself nose to nose with Sean.
"Good morning." he says, amused as he takes in my bewildered expression.
I take a minute to compose my expression. "Morning." I mumbled, laying my cheek on his sturdy chest.

He kisses me, gently. I kiss him, back. I hook my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer.
BEEP! My phone rings urgently. I ignore it. But my curiosity gets the best of me and I reluctantly pull away. I reach for my bag and take out my phone. It's mom.

As much as I hate to answer it, I do. "Hello?" I said, bitting my lip, anxiously. Sean gives me a look of concern.
"Emma? Is it you?" my mom says, her tone, impatient.
"Yes, mom." I replied, my heart fell at the absence of guilt in her voice.

"I want you to come home, immediately. It's urgent. Do you understand? Right now. NO excuses. It's an emergency!"she demands. "I understand." I replied. Without a single goodbye or see you later, she hangs up. Which isn't unusual.
I sigh and tried get out of bed. Sean's arms pull me into his arms. "Where are you going?" he asks, kissing my nose.

"Sean, I am so so so so sorry. My mom just called me to go home. I'll come back. I promise- I apologised, Sean pulls me close and sighs. "Alright." he says, kissing my forehead. I change out of Sean's shirt into my clothes and pack my clothes.
I stumble downstairs, he follows me gracefully.

"See you later?" he asks, casually leaning against the doorway of the front door. His hair is tousled and his eyes smoulder.
He looks so ... UGH! I lean over and kiss him. "See you later." I confirm, breathlessly as I pull away.
He shoots me one of his cocky smiles making my knees wobble.

I walk home. What could possibly be an emergency? Did something happen to dad?
I am so distracted by my thoughts and questions, I actually pass by my house.
Even though, there is no one there, I blush furiously and go back.

I pause at my porch, my hand lingering on the doorknob, anxiously.
What are you waiting for? Sean's voice says suddenly. I look around instantly.
He isn't there. My heart falls. It was just Sean's voice stuck in my head.

I take a deep breath. I open the door to my doom.
My mom grabs me and says, "Good, you are early. Get dressed into the dress on your bed! He is coming!"
Before I can question who was 'He', mom narrows her eyes and bellows, "NOW!"

I scramble upstairs. I put on the dress and in a record of time, I curl my hair.
I walk downstairs. Mom clucks disapprovingly and straightens my dress.
The doorbell rings and I exhale in relief.

Dad doesn't say anything as he passes me to open the door. Nothing new, here.
A guy about 2 years older than me enters. His eyes widen as they meet my eyes.
Mom jumps in front of me. "Mr. and Mrs. Rogers! What a pleasure!" my mom greets him, with a fake cheerful tone.

Mom embraces the couple behind, the boy. I assume they are the guy's parents.
"Hello, I'm John." the guy says, awkwardly. He holds out a hand to me. I take his hand and shake it.
"Hi, I'm Emma." I replied. Mrs. Rogers beams.

"Look at them, they're a perfect couple just as you said, Maria." she exclaims, excitedly. Couple?
I look at the guy who seems to be oblivious to her comment. What was she implying?
"Come in, please." my mom says, smiling. SMILING???? What is going on?

I sit down on the couch, nervously. John settles beside me, a little too close.
"Emma, we have great news to share." my parents said, grinning.
"You and John are getting married." Mrs. Rogers interrupts. My mouth falls open.

WHAT?! "We just met." I whispered. I glance at John, speechless.
"It's was always planned, my dear." my dad says, suddenly. Just when I thought he was never speaking to me.
"I- he- We . . . What?!" I sputtered, unattractively. My mom shoots me a look. Not just a look, but THE LOOK.

"Either you move out or you get married, your choice." hisses mom into my ear. I gasped, shocked.
Was she being serious? "She is serious." my dad snaps into my other ear.
I turn to John, who is sitting there calmly, as if he didn't care.

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers sit there calmly like we were talking about the weather or something.
I stand up, my knees numb and decide to excuse myself.
"May I be excused?" I ask, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. They nod, my mom follows me out.

"We're giving you a chance. Marry him, then we won't disown you. You owe us everything, especially after what you did to Jake. Why do you even think the moms came over? We were planning the wedding!" she snarls as I exit the front door. I don't owe you guys, anything! I am your daughter... was the unspoken thoughts running through my head. I walk to the park across and sit down on the swing. That meeting was not a mom meeting or whatever, it was a wedding committee.

They were making me marry a boy, who doesn't know me or they disown me.
John looks like a nice guy, but the key word is 'looks'. They couldn't really disown me, could they?
Trembling, I call Sean. "Hey, Emma." he greets me, his melodious voice soothing me.

"Hi, Sean." I mumbled. I feel an arm wrap around my waist.
I whip my head to the direction where the arm had come from.
I see dazzling green eyes staring into mine.

I jump and he grins widely.
"Gotta to go." he says, hanging up. He smirks and pulls me closer.
I roll my eyes as he looks pleased with himself.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.
"Let's just say I know my girlfriend, pretty well." he says, kissing my nose.
I felt my heart being to torn apart in two.

Sean or my family.
I gain something and lose something.
He kisses me and I melt in his arms. All that matters now is him.

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