Chapter 20: Blur

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"Emma?" he asks, nuzzling my hair.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Have you thought about what you're going to after high school?" he asks, suddenly.

"Sort of. I am planning to audition for Royal Ballet School in London, but I don't know if I'll get in or not." I admit. He suddenly beams, his green eyes widening extremely. "I was planning that, too! Wow!" he exclaims, eagerly. He gives me a can-I-ask-you-a-question look. "Sure." I replied, smiling. He grins, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Can we audition, together? We could do the Black swan thing again." he offers, he is literally jumping up and down with excitement. My god, he is so adorable. He has a big smile on his face.
His eyes are glittering with thrill and his tousled hair is much more tousled than usual.

"I'd love to!" I answered, he grins and takes my hand. He suddenly starts waltzing around the kitchen. He was so spontaneous, I loved the way he quickly made decisions. Now, I don't have to face the scary judges alone!

My future is like one blind spot.
I have no idea where it's heading or who it leads me to.
At least, a part of my life was going sort of clear. For now. I push away all the nasty thoughts and focus on now.

"To the studio!" he remarks, lifting me up.
I swat him and protest. "Put me down you . . . applepie!" I squealed, failing to insult him. I lift his shirt, accidentally and I flush at the sight of his beautiful, muscular back. "Applepie? Seriously?" he asks, shaking his head, sadly.

He picks up my ballet bag and heads out the door. I lean over and nuzzle his back.
"Please put me down." I said. I actually feel his grin.
"Tempting." he says, weakening. I take the bait and kiss his back.

He puts me down. "Thank you." I say, kissing his nose.
We head to the nearest bus stop. The bus comes and we jump on.
The bus is pretty crowded, there is only one handle left. Our eyes meet, instantly.

"Perfect." he retorts, as he takes in the view. He holds on and hold me with his other arm.
I lean against him. The last time we rode on the bus together. We weren't this close.
As if he was thinking the same thing, he kisses my cheek, tenderly.

"What's that for?" I ask, pleased by the sudden sign of affection.
"Do I have to have a reason to kiss my girlfriend?" he asks.
"Depends." I said, smiling.

"Then, that was because you're beautiful." he remarks, kissing my cheek.
I blush. The bus stops and we get off.
He slips his warm hand into mine as we stroll down the street.

We sneak into the studio. I turn on the lights. Sean quickly puts on his ballet shoes.
I put on my ballet shoes. We take our positions. This is the first time we danced together, since the recital.
Our dancing is much more intense than it was before. His deep, intoxicating, green eyes gaze into mine as we dance

His eyes never leave mine as we dance. Our movements are more expressive. I become more reckless, I steal glances at him.
He looks straight back at me. Soon I am breathless and I am not quite sure, whether it's because of dancing or him.
He grins and his arms tighten around me.

He lifts me up into the air and I pose.
He kisses my cheek gently as we try to catch our breath.
"Emma?" he asks suddenly. I tilt my head towards him to look at him.

"Yes?" I replied. He places his hand on my chin, gently caressing it.
"You're welcome to stay with me, as long as you want. You know that right?" he says, solemnly.
I swear he can read my thoughts. I take a deep breath.

"Sean. I feel really selfish that I am involving you in my own messed up problems. You been so supportive and well, I'm sorry." I apologised, looking down. This was the first time, we actually acknowledged what was going on. I bite my lip, anxiously.
I don't look at him.

"Hey, don't. Look, I know family isn't easy. I want to be involved in your messed up problems." he says, lifting my chin so I had to look at him. "I care about you, Emma." he says, stroking my face.
He pulls me towards him. I bury my face against his warm chest. We share a silent moment, together.

Sean seems to get understand that I didn't want to talk and doesn't force me to talk.
He just . . . there for me. I feel like I can count on him for anything.
I still don't understand why he sees in me. Was I worthy of his undivided attention? Or was it just pure luck?

The only thing I know for sure is that I feel like the luckiest girl, whenever he gives me one of his sexy, cocky grins.
It makes my heart beat like mad. I know it's selfish to think this, but I don't want him to smile like that to anyone else.
He makes my heart flutter every single time, his captivating eyes meet mine.

He pulls me onto his lap. His arms protect me from the harsh reality. His scent makes me intoxicated.
His hand strokes my hair, soothingly. I hear the steady beat of his heart and it comforts me.
All I am thinking about now is him. Sean's eyes, his eyes, his hands and his lips.

The reality slowly melts away as I lose myself in his beautiful, intriguing green eyes. I cup his gorgeous face in my hands. He smiles shyly, shattering my soul. I tilt my head and I kiss him. His lips are soft and gentle against mine.
As we kiss, the world around us becomes a blur and the only thing that I can clearly see is him.

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