Chapter 19: Down in the drain

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I wake up, beside Sean. His eyes are closed and his face is utterly innocent.
He looks so young and boyish all of a sudden. I get up, but his arms pull me closer and he buries his face into my hair.
His eyelashes are touching his cheek and his lips are slightly parted.

His breath nuzzles the nape of my neck. I lean over and kiss his cheek.
His mouth forms a shy smile. The smile melts my heart. He opens his dazzling green eyes and they settle on me.
"Morning." he says, huskily. He places his mouth on mine, his lips are soft on mine.

He pulls away, leaving me intoxicated and a little dizzy.
"Come on. Let me cook you breakfast." he says, kissing my nose.
I jump out of bed and gasp. I am not wearing my dress. Instead I am wearing a huge grey t-shirt.

"Did you . . .?" I said, dreading. He rolls his eyes.
"No, Aunt Jenny stopped by." he says, smirking. I sigh, relieved.
Yet, why do I feel a little regret? I shove that  . . . perverted, messed up and horrifying thought away.

"Can I take a shower?" I ask, changing the subject. He nods.
"Sure." There is a long silence awkward pause. "Can I join?" he teases, giving me a evil smile.
I yelp and swat his arm. He laughs, breaking the weird tension between us.

"Was it too soon, my dear?" he teases, pleased with himself. I play along.
"I am so sorry, darling. It's just I am not ready for that kind of commitment, yet." I reply, rolling my eyes.
He collapses on the floor, dramatically. His expression is full of comical agony.

I shake him, dramatically. "Darling! Wake up. UGH. I cannot do this any longer." I complain, he grins widely and pulls me down, so I am lying on the floor beside him. He looks at me with those . . . fiery, intoxicating and intense eyes.
I lose myself in them. Every day, I seemed to lost myself, bit by bit. The weird thing was that I was also finding myself bit by bit.

I get up and head into the bathroom.
I get into the shower. The events of last night flood through my mind, I tear up.
My life sucked. It was like a seesaw. There was no balance.

I cry in the shower, alone. The water washes all away my tears and cleanses me.
I watch the last of my tears disappear into the drain. I get out of the shower and dry myself off with a fresh towel.
I quickly change into the spare clothes that I had in my ballet bag.

I head downstairs. Sean is cooking eggs and whistling along to the song. I mean trying to whistle along.
His face instantly lights up as his eyes land on me. "Hey there!" he exclaims.
"Hi." I replied, trying to scowl but failing. Seriously, his happiness is so contagious. He wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. He winks at me as he flips the eggs over with one hand. I roll my eyes.

"What can I do to help?" I ask.
"Can you boil the sausages?" he asks, gesturing towards the packet of sausages on the counter.
I put them in carefully. I hum along with the song and Sean whistles. Soon Sean starts singing, off key.
But his enthusiasm makes up for it. "That's not the words!" I protest as he messes up.

"Fine, what are the words?" he challenges me, his eyes glittering with amusement.
Soon I am belting out the lyrics, using a spoon as my microphone. He joins in and we are both singing off key.
We are waltzing around the kitchen like mad people. We collapse on the ground, laughing.

He kisses me, gently. OH! The sausages! I push him off and look at the sausages. Phew.
I place them on the plate. "You hurt my arm, meanie!" he complains, poking me. I lean over and kiss him.
I pull away and beam. "That's the way you shut your boyfriend, nicely." I joked. He rolls his eyes.

"You got me, there." he admits. I caress his face, with my hands.
"You always do, you know that right?" I said, pulling my hand away.
He covers his hand over mine, keeping my hand on his chin.

"I know." he says, his voice soft. He kisses me.
He flips the eggs again, expertly. His eyes trained on the pan.
I know it's stupid but right now, I am actually envying the egg.
He places them on the plate and turns to look at me.

"Bon appetite!" he proclaims, waving his arms around dramatically.
I sit down on one of the chairs and he sits down on the one, opposite.
Like magic, the sausages and eggs disappear.

I pick up my plate and take it to the sink.
He follows me. "You wash, I dry." he says, taking out a towel.
I wash the dishes and accidentally splash him with water.

He gives me a mock look of agony and says, "Payback time!" He grabs the towel and tries to swat me.
We are now running in the hall like little kids playing tag.
"Sean! I'm sorry! It was an accident!" I squeal. His arms easily lift me and I am hung over his shoulder.

He puts me down and gives me a mischievous look.
He holds me close. His lips brush against my ear as he says, "Next time, I wash, you dry."
"We'll see." I answer, coyly. He raises his eyebrows.

I smile as he holds my waist. His scent surrounds me and soothes me.
His green eyes are on me and mine on his eyes.
I wrap my arms around his neck. Our noses are touching and soon our lips are.
He kisses me in a way that make me feel beautiful.
The bad thoughts are gone for now, down in the drain. But it will come back.
I decide to deal with it later and enjoy this moment.

Dancing through lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang