Chapter 17: Under his spell

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"A toast to Sean and Emma, for their absolutely wonderful performance." Madame Lamborne says, beaming at us.
Kelly sulks miserably and shoots me a glare. Sean holds out his cup and clinks it to mine. "Cheers." he says, his eyes full of amusement.
I hold my cup to his cup. "Cheers." I say back, smiling. His free hand which is holding mine under the table, squeezes mine.

People start dancing in the ballroom. The girls squeal and start swaying side to side. Sean adorably bobs his head along with the music.
Kelly walks towards Sean, giving me a smirk. Her hair is shining brightly in the light and she is wearing a dazzling silver dress.
"Do you want to dance?" she purrs, twirling her hair.

Jealously bubbles up and I feel like storming off. Why am I being so clingy?
Frustrated with myself, I decide to go out to the balcony.
I hold back my jealously and tried not to scowl.

I keep what I think is a straight face. Probably a furious expression, but hey!! I tried, that's what matters.
Instead, I gracefully walk away. Yes, GRACEFULLY!
I go out to the balcony and stand there. My jealously is wiped away and is replaced by awe. The view is magnificent.
The city lights sparkle in the moonlight. I look at all the stars in the sky, wistfully. I am so caught up by the amazing view, I had not heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me.

I feel strong arms wrap around my waist from behind me, distracting my thoughts.
The familiar invigorating soap scent fills my nose. I lean my head on his chest.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I say, softly.

"It's beautiful, but not as you." he says. I blush and turn away.
"I'm sorry about walking away and . . ." I mumbled.
"And?" he teases, I swat him and sigh.
"Being a clingy bitch." I retorted, rolling my eyes. He laughs, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight.
He kisses my cheek, gently caressing my face. "You look cute, when you're jealous." he says, his breath tickling my ear.

"God, I hope that it wasn't so obvious." I said, quietly.
"It was written all over your face." he replies, laughing. I groan, covering my face in my hands.
I open my mouth to protest, he places a finger against my lips to silent me.

"I'm glad to know you care though. Why were you jealous of Kelly?" he continues, his voice, incredibly tender.
I turn around to see his face. His eyes shine even more beautifully than the city lights.
The city lights seem so fake, what I am looking at right now, is real and it's beautiful.

"Hello? She is gorgeous and she likes you!" I replied
"You are way more beautiful." he says, stubbornly.
"God, I am so lucky that you are so stubborn." I said, secretly melting on the inside.

I loved and hated the way he simply melted me with his way with words.
Whether he knew it or not, I was wrapped around his finger.
He was the only one who could make me feel this way.

"No, I'm the lucky one." he says, tucking a strand of my hair, behind my ear.
I feel myself softening. I am completely under the spell of his intense green eyes.
I don't care. In this moment, I don't think about my parents, my tousled hair or anything, just Sean.
Right now and right here, I can't think about anything else. I am lost and somehow found.

I cup his lovely face in my hands and kiss him. My arms curl around his neck. He pulls me towards him.
His lips are soft and taste of chocolates. I smile against his lips. His hands run through my hair.
Our lips part, but he doesn't let go of my waist.

"Emma?" he asks, as I turn back to the beautiful view beneath us.
"Yeah?" I answer, my voice softening.

"I really like you, you know that right? Only you." He says, exposing his vulnerability to me.
"I really like you, too." I whispered, hoping he would not hear me. He does.
I prepare myself for a 'told you so' comment or something much more annoying.

Surprisingly, he didn't say anything. In the corner of my eye, I take a peak at his expression.
His eyes are filled with . . . a soft tenderness. He is smiling wider than ever.
He looks really happy and my heart melts at the sight of him.
He kisses my nose, pleased by my comment.

We stand there in silence, looking at the moon.
I shiver as the winter breeze passes us and he takes off his tuxedo jacket and gives it to me.
"Take it, I'm fine." he says. I shake my head.
"No- I started to protest.
"Emma, just take it." he interrupts, grinning.

I love the way he says my name. He says it like music.
Like it's poetry. He says it like it's a magical word.
He doesn't just says it, effortlessly. There is tenderness intertwined with every syllable.

I decide to be cooperative and take the jacket. I slip it on.
It's warm and smells like him.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"My pleasure." he replies. I notice that his tie is all crooked from kissing. I lean over and fix it.
He plants a kiss on my hair as I do that. His kisses make me feel . . . beautiful. Like I'm precious.

Everything he does makes me feel better. His words soothe me, instead of hurting me.
His hands hold mine carefully, instead of slapping me. I feel like life is worth living for again.
He makes me want to say sappy things, slap him. He is . . . everything.

We just stand there in the moonlight in each other's arms.
We stand there, talking, laughing, kissing and cuddling.
From the outside, we look like a couple hanging out with each other, but it's goes so much deeper than that.
Finally, my reality is better than my dreams.

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