Chapter 12: The Red Dress

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"Today was so fun! We should totally do that more often!" says Kelly to Sean, happily. She acts like I don't exist, which is fine by me!
I help her load her bags in her car.
"Are you sure, you want to ride the motorcycle? I could go instead." says Kelly for the hundredth time.
"Yeah, I'm fine. " I reply. She gives me the evil eye.

"You wouldn't want her to ruin your car, would you? Emma is not really good at driving." he says, holding back a smile.
"That's true." she says, bitting the inside of her cheek. She suddenly straightens and she skips into her car. I guess her decision was made.
I huffed, annoyed. So this is called friendship! Making fun of people's driving skills!
Irritated, I walk off in the other direction of the parking lot.
"Hey, where do think you're going?" He calls.

"Home." I replied.
His hand takes my arm and pulls me towards him.
"Emma? I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I didn't want to listen to her bubbly, fake voice any longer." he apologises. I sigh. I get onto his motorcycle.

He climbs on in front of me. He pulls out the helmet and puts it on my head. He fastens it. I wrap my arms around his waist. He flashes a grin as I do. I roll my eyes at him, exasperated with his sudden cockiness. He was so spontaneous! He was acting nice, cocky and flirty all at once! He starts the engine and soon the streets are a blur. The view has me has me captivated, although I can't see anything clearly.
The wind runs through my hair. I close my eyes.

I feel the wind gently brushing my hair back. I open them to see my neighbourhood.
Reality is back. Yippee.
He stops right in front of my house and I take off his helmet.

"Thanks for the ride and for today." I said, as I get off the motorcycle.
I pass the helmet to him, as I do, his hands envelope mine. His hands are warm and rough. His hair is disheveled by the wind.
Our eyes meet. His green eyes stare into my soul. I feel the corners of my mouth lift up into a smile.

"You're grounded!" screams a voice, bringing me back to reality. I turn to look at my house.
Mom has her head out the window and her cheeks are bright red.
I move my hand away from his, immediately.
"Go." I whispered. He nods.
"See you tomorrow." he says as he speeds off into the distance.

Mom slams open the front door and yells, " What is wrong with you? You nearly ruined our reputation!!!"
"I'm sorry, mom." I said, quietly.
"I don't have time for this! We're having a meeting with my high school graduates, here, so get dressed!" she snapped, I run pass her and head upstairs.

I throw myself onto the bed and groan. I hear a paper bag drop from my bed. Huh? What could it be? I pick it up.
I open the bag, there the red dress inside and beside it is a note.
It says:

I thought you looked gorgeous in the dress and I thought you should have it.
Your friend,
P.S If I frightened you, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be a stalker.I take out the red dress and look at it. I quickly put it on and since my hair was in a braid, I pull off the hair tie.
There are waves in my hair and I brush it out. I head downstairs.
"Wear some makeup!" she calls before I even see her. I roll my eyes and go up.

I quickly apply some mascara and lip gloss. I head downstairs.
"Good, you made it, just in time." my mom snaps.
My mom has this weird habit, she makes us stand in front of the door until someone arrives and she always makes us stand for about 1hour, insisting that people might come early.

Ding dong! The doorbell rings, I force my numb arms to open the door. A woman comes in, she smiles warmly at me.
"Hello, dear. Where is your mother?" she asks pleasantly.
"I'm here, Mrs. Becker." my mom says, before I can think of what to say. Did my mother just called her, Mrs Becker?

Sure, enough behind Mrs. Becker is Sean. He gives me a wink. I raise my eyebrows in shock.
"Darling, meet Sean Becker, he is the nephew of Mrs. Becker." my mother says, acting all motherly.
So I play along. "Hello, Mr. Sean Becker. It is a utter pleasure to meet you." I said, laying it thick. Sean grins, amused.
Mrs. Becker has a amused look in her eyes. We shake hands and Sean says, "No, it is my pleasure." I hold in laughter at my mom's infuriated expression.

I watch Mrs. Becker and the other moms chat excitedly about their school and how it's changed.
"Hey, you look nice." he whispers into my ear. I smile and look at him. "Thank you." I whispered back to him. Mom's voice echoes through the room as she laughs at something the other moms had said. A mom comes over to me and asks me to hold the three year old. I place him on my lap and the kid cries out as the mother steps away. The mother leans in and kisses the kid's head
"She came home on a motorcycle! She was sitting behind a boy! Kids, these days!" my mom chats, criticising me.

Mrs. Becker gives us a knowing wink. I smile. She knows.
"Where's Elliot?" I ask.
"He's on a date." he replies, distractedly.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He sighs, deeply.
"It's just I hate the way your mother looks down on you." He says.
"Maybe the way she looks at me is right, Sean." I said, quietly.

"Just, because she does, doesn't mean I do." he says.
"Why do you care?" I ask.
Before I can hear his response, mom calls for us and we have dinner.

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