34. Teenage Angst Come All Ages

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"Honey, do you want some tea?" My mother asked pouring hot water into two cups.

"You're gonna make me drink it anyway" I said, as I watched her grab two spoons from the drawer.

"It's freezing, Julian. And your jean's all ripped! Forgive me for trying to prevent my son from getting sick!" She exclaimed taking a seat on the other side of the kitchen table.

"Shit- alright, alright! I'll drink it, Jeanette." I gave in approaching the cup to me.

"Where's my baby grandson?" She asked turning calm all of a sudden.

"Playdate at Simon's. Just dropped him off half an hour ago." I checked my watch, I had like an hour and a half to chill at my mom's until I had to pick up Cal.

"Juliet said you'd bring him to me whenever I wanted and you haven-"

"I've been busy, mom. I've barely even saw him this week. Would you please stop complaining for a couple minutes? I'm not in the mood..." I said, trying not to sound mean to her, but I really needed her to stop.

"I'm sorry, honey. You seem down, is it your father?" She asked giving me that sweet motherly worried look that followed me through all my high school years. And, well.. she actually never stopped worrying. I gave her enough reasons though.

"No," I stopped to take a sip from my tea. It was disgusting but I tried not to breathe. "He called a couple times in the last few weeks but I haven't picked up. Well, I accidentally picked up last friday but I told him I was busy and that I'd call him back" I shrugged.

"You should let him in, he's trying to be your dad" My mother sounded like she'd forgotten about all the shit he put us through.

"He's a little damn late, don't you think?"

"Don't be like that, sweetheart. He deserves another chance, he's your father" she said taking a sip from her cup.

"I'll think about it" I lied. Like I haven't thought about my dad already.. But at least my mother seemed satisfied with my innocent fake promise.

"Alright, if it's not John, what's bothering you?" She asked worriedly but now with a hint of curiosity.

"Where's Sam?" I asked trying to dodge the conversation. "Maybe I could help him with something in his o-" I stood up downing my cup of tea, forgetting how hot it would feel in my throat. But anyways, I was cut off by my mom.

"He's not home, Julian. Now sit down and tell mama" she said grabbing my arm gently but with enough strength to make me stumble and fall back onto the chair. I sighed and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"Nothing mom, I'm just... There's a lot going on right now... With the band, the other band, the divorce and shit"

"What about little Mika?" She asked all of a sudden. I got nervous because how the fuck could she have nailed it so quickly?

"Mika.. she's fine, why?" I played it very cool I think.

"You mentioned everything except for her, and for years she's been in the 80% of the things you talk about"

I wonder if my mum could get dementia already.

Just kidding.

That wasn't funny, sorry.

If a member of your family has dementia, it's not funny and I apologize.

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