21. Soul Survivors

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"Are you fucking kidding me? I can't believe you worked to pay for all of this!" Rich exclaimed pointing to my collection of Pokèmon figures of which I was very proud of by the way.

"I did, dude! My mother refused to pay for this shit, so there you go... double shifts for two months" I smiled as my mind wondered through those memories. I was like fourteen, and never felt so good. I loved making my own money, I felt free for the first time, and even though it was a pretty boring dinning place, I knew that's where I was supposed to be. Not being treated like a kid, I never was a kid. "No regrets" I added.

"That's pretty impressive" Rich said looking at them up-close. As he bent, his tee lifted slightly on his back, revealing a pale skin and a marked spine. He was so skinny... "Do you happen to have the game for Nintendo? I think it's called something like Pokemon Stadium or some shit like that"

"I do" I laughed. His eyes brightened and I knew what he wanted. "Okay, but just once, 'cause I have the feeling your friends are gonna break something downstairs if they're not supervised. Especially Fab"

"Right on!"


Alright, maybe we played more than one game, but only because he kept beating me and that was unacceptable. I was probably a little bit more stoned than him, so it wasn't fair. Yet we couldn't stop playing.

After an hour and a half maybe we came down. Nobody broke anything. But everything was a total mess. Some of my friends were there.

"Nicky, what's going on?" My friend Nicole was sitting on Nick's lap, they've been kinda dating lately.

"Hey girl!" She exclaimed standing up and hugging me tightly.

"When did you came?" I asked.

"Nick said you were here, and I was at a party but I had to come see you, so I brought the gang and a few dudes from the party!" Oh boy... "Is that okay?" She asked noticing I was wordless. But well.. I wasn't gonna kick everyone out.

"Yes, but you're sleeping over and helping me clean up tomorrow, alright?" She could be a pain in my ass sometimes, but we were like sisters, so I had to live with that.

"Ugh, okay, I hate you" she said sitting down on Nick's lap again, whose eyes were slightly closed but was still drinking something from a flask.

"Me too" I said lifting my middle finger to her and walked up to the couch where a snoring Julian was sitting on while Rich stayed there talking to Nicky.

"Jules..." I shook him slightly. His lips were slightly parted and he was drooling a little, which made me chuckle. But he looked cold, so I shook him again. Maybe he needed to lay down in my room or the guest's room. Somewhere quiet.
He didn't move though, so I covered him with his jacket and went to talk with Niko, who was spread all over the couch next to Julian holding two Heinekens and laughing to himself.

"Drunk much?" I teased him as I kneeled down on the floor, since there was no space for me on the couch.

"Probably" He laughed offering me one of his bottles. "I think one more for me is fine. Seven is my limit but I'm usually great with six." I took the beer and a few sips. I felt like I was exceeding but didn't care much apparently.

"Why don't you go socialize? There's some pretty girls around" I asked already thinking of a good match for him.

"Nah, I'm fine. I don't have much to say anyway. I get nervous flirting, or even talking" he chuckled shyly.

"Well, these girls talk a lot and don't really listen to what you have to say. I think you're gonna be more than fine" I encouraged him. He smiled and sat up.

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