"You do?" He asked hesitantly as if he thought she was joking.

"Yeah, lets go." She exclaimed grabbing his hand and dragging him over to a mass of dancing bodies. I laughed as he let her drag him along like a lost puppy.

"Hey there, surfer boy." A voice whispered behind me. I spun around in shock only to be struck speechless. Raegan stood there a small smile on her face. Her long light brown hair was curled in loose waves down her back, she wore a light dark red sleeveless dress that cinched at her waist and flowed to mid-thigh, her feet were clad in dark brown strappy sandals, and she was wearing a little make-up that made her startling hazel eyes even more gorgeous.

"You alright there?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I cleared my throat and shook my head to clear it.

"Uh, yeah. Uhm I'm fine." I said lightly. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but, she let it slide.


"Want something to drink." I blurted shoving my thumb in the direction of the food shack.

"Uh, sure I'll have a lemonade." Raegan stated. I nodded my head and turned on my heel walking towards the small line of people. I couldn't help but grin, glad that she hadn't asked for alcohol. After a couple bad encounters I've learned to stay clear of the stuff. Grabbing the lemonade and an orange Fanta I headed back to Raegan. This time I was determined not to spill my drink all over her.

I barely noticed the guy standing next to Raegan as I gave her, her drink. She thanked me quietly and sent the guy a scowl.

"Is there a reason you're invading my personal space?" She asked sarcasm dripping off her words like venom. The guy looked at her in surprise, I took a drink to hide the amused smile of my face. The smile quickly vanished from my face as he smirked eyeing her with new interest. The look made my blood boil.

"Hey! Frat boy, my eyes are up here." She sneered at him. I took this as my queue to interject. Smiling I turned Raegan's attention to me.

"Wanna dance?" I asked setting down my drink and holding out my hand. She stared at me like I had three heads before a sly smile settled on her lips. Setting down her drink she took my outstretched hand and let me lead her over to the mass of dancing people. She tossed an arrogant smile at the idiot we left behind and then turned back to me. Placing my hands on her waist I pulled her towards me a little. She placed her hands on my shoulders and we swayed to the music. Stand by Me by Ka'au Crater Boys blared across the beach. I don't know who the song was originally by but, the Ka'au Crater Boys cover kind of gave an island twist to the song.

I spun her slowly then settled my hands back on her waist. She glanced up at me and furrowed her eyebrows thoughtfully. I raised an eyebrow as we continued to sway to the song.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"I was just wondering why you're so nice." Raegan said peering up at me. I grinned a little and shrugged my shoulders.

"Does there have to be a reason?" I asked casually.

"Of course there does. Everyone wants something." She exclaimed as if it was obvious. I peered at her for a few seconds. I felt bad for her. I wonder what happened to her to make her think like that.

"I don't I guess...I just want other people to be happy." I said softly. She gazed at me her lips parting slightly in surprise. I quickly pushed away the urge to kiss her and instead dipped her. She squealed in surprise. I laughed as I slowly brought her back up. She scowled a little but, amusement sparkled in her eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds, the urge to kiss her was so strong I almost gave in.

Laundry Boy (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now