7: It's Time To Go Back

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Revenge is sweet. And I will get my revenge. I've made my plan and it's going perfectly. Hans is doing everything he can to make her fall in love with him and it's going pretty well. I smirked evilly as I saw the liquid in the container. This liquid will kill her. They will pay. I chuckled.

"Go do what you have to do," I told Hans. He smirked and nodded. My eyes averted to the picture. Now all it needs is one big fat cross. I grinned looking through the window. The moon shone brighter. It grew bigger, absorbing all the space in the sky. Like a sponge. I groaned. It's his time but soon, I will take over. And I will win this. He can't stop me. After all, he knows what happened to Luna and he knows who did it.

Manny, you will not win. Even if I don't know your human form, I will find you and I will defeat you. Mark my words Manny. I will win.


We sat in silence, each figuring out what to do. After we found out that the next target is Emma, we all had to find a way to help her.

"There has to be some way," Merida mumbled. Hiccup nodded.

"Yeah but what?" I sighed. We've been sitting around, doing nothing for ages.

"We have to find out who's doing this." I turned my attention towards Peter.

"How? We can't do anything," I said rubbing my temples. What are we going to do? We have to protect Emma. She had to be safe. We swore that we would protect her and here we are, hiding from the world.

Peter sighed. "Well there is one way." We all smiled and beamed up. Whatever the way is, we will do it.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Tell the truth to the police." I blinked and turned to Hiccup and Merida. They all had the same expression.

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We can't just walk outside and not get caught," Hiccup muttered, sighing sadly. Everyone was so gloomy. This isn't how it's supposed to be. We're supposed to work this out together and figure something out.

I turned to Mer and Hic. "Isn't there any other way?" They both shook their heads. Silence flew across the room. We can't possibly sit around and do nothing. Emma's in trouble and we have no idea who this killer is.

I fidgeted with my hands, trying to think of a way but nothing came to mind.

"What if we go back to Pixar City? That way, we will keep an eye on Emma and not get caught," Hiccup suggested. Well, it sounded like a good plan but I don't think we can do it. Being criminals is one tough thing.

"We're going to get caught, dumb brain," Merida muttered earning a glare from Hiccup. I giggled. They are so cute together.

"But Hiccup's plan may work. If you go back to that apartment you guys lived in, you can watch over Emma." We turned to Peter who was smiling. But how could this work?

"We're going to get caught. You're supposed to be the brainy one here, Peter," Merida mumbled.

I nodded slowly. "I think Mer is right. We will surely get caught." But they didn't listen to me. Instead, the three of them argued on whether to go back or not. Of course, Mer was scaring the souls out of them with her bow. She threatened them but like always, she didn't actually shoot.

I sighed and looked through the window. It was a full moon. Smiling, I stared at it with awe. I'm not really fond of the night but this night is surely wonderful. It's like the moon's getting bigger and bigger every minute. Strangely, it looked like it was coming towards us. The light grew brighter. The moon was actually getting bigger. What in the world?

"Guys?" I called nervously. But no one cared to look at the moon.

"We are not going to go back!" Merida argued.

"We can at least look after Emma!" Yelled Hiccup. I turned back to the moon with wide open eyes. It was still getting bigger.

"Why don't you guys at least try to go back?" Offered Peter.

"Guys? Guys! GUYS!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I panted and pointed to the moon. "It's getting bigger." All of them crowded around the window trying to see what was going on.

"This isn't scientifically possible!" Hiccup exclaimed. The light got brighter and brighter. It was so bright that we had to close our eyes and not get blinded by the light.

Finally, the light dimmed down so that we could open our eyes. I looked at the moon. It was, thankfully, at its normal size.

"What just happened?" Merida asked. I shrugged. My eyes fell on the floor. Gasping, I picked up a piece of paper.

"It's a note," I said, grabbing the attention of them.

"A note from who?" Peter questioned.

"I don't know." I read the letter out loud.

Go to Pixar City. There, you will unravel the mystery of the killer.

He needs you. And she needs you to help her. Your teammate is alive. Go back to your apartment. Don't take this as a joke because I'm the one that brought him back to life but with a curse. Break the curse with the help of Elsa and protect Emma. If you don't defeat the killer, lives will be at stake.

Sincerely, Man in The Moon.

It was completely silent. No one spoke. My hands were shaking. Man in the moon? Who was that?

To break the silence, Merida let out a laugh. "What kind of joke is this? Hiccup, you know you're not good at pranks." Hiccup turned to her with a worried look. Who wouldn't be worried? Merida was laughing like a hyena.

"Mer, I didn't do this." Merida stopped laughing and stared at him.

"You didn't?" He shook his head. I gulped.

"Does this mean that there's actually a man in the moon?" They all turned to me.

Peter shook his head. "This isn't possible."

"But how did the note get here?"

"I don't know." We all sighed. The note said something about a curse. What curse? Who's been cursed? And it said something about a teammate being alive. But who? Jack was the one who died. And I don't think that a moon can bring him back to life. Unless of course, the moon is some sort of god which isn't possible. But, it also said something about our old apartment. If we go back, then we can apparently defeat the killer. Meaning, that Emma will be safe.

"Guys," I started. "I think we should go back."

"Are you seriously saying that we should take the moon's advise?" Merida questioned. I nodded.

"I'm not saying that we should believe that there's a supernatural being on the moon, but where do you think this note came from? And if this is true, and if we could defeat the killer, wouldn't that save Emma?" Everyone glanced at each other.

Peter was the only one that smiled. "It's time to say hello to Pixar City."

A/N: Another update!!! I'm getting into this updating thing. Anyway, as usual, did you like it? Any grammar mistakes?

Manny sent a note to them!!! How cool is that? What will happen next? Will there be chaos? Will they finally be able to meet Elsa? Find out in the next chapter– which I will update soon. This sounds like a tv show XD!

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