4: Meetings With The Ghost

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It's today that I see Elsa! I've missed her so much and now, I can finally see her. I put on my earphones as I sat down. Dad had a special mission today so he couldn't drop me off and mum had to meet with a friend so, I'm going on the bus. This is so exciting! I'm traveling on my own and everything.

The bus stopped to get passengers on aboard. There was a familiar face. A dreamy face that is. Hans! He smiled as he saw me.

"Hi Annie," he greeted. I forced a smile. Great. He forgot my name.

"I-it's Anna," I corrected, fidgeting with my hands.

"Yeah whatever." Hans sat down next to me. "So Annie-"

"Anna." I'm getting frustrated. How many times could one person get a name wrong?

"Yeah so Anna, what are you doing here?" Finally he got my name right. I'm starting to think he has a memory problem and who in the world would ask why you're on a bus? I mean, it's kind of obvious. But that doesn't stop my crush on him. Memory lose or not, I still have that feeling for him.

"I'm just going to visit my sister." He had a mysterious smile on him which creeped me out. "So, where are you going." He shuffled uncomfortably.

"Uh...to a friend's house." I don't know why but I'm getting really suspicious. Hans just seems like he doesn't want to tell the truth.

I nodded. "Oh looks like this is my stop." Getting up, I waved goodbye as I got off the bus. I sighed in relief. Talking to boys are so hard to do. Anyway, I was face to face with Pixar apartments. A smile popped up on my face. Elsa said her apartment was on the fifth floor. Great. I opened the front door as I saw a mountain of stairs. But at least there's a lift. I walked to the lift. But all that excitement washed off. The lift is out of order. What a great time to be out of order. Fantastic! Just thinking of all those stairs gives me shivers.

Frowning, I started climbing. This is going to take some time.

*Two minutes later*

Panting, I reached the first floor. It's just the first floor! There's still another mountain of stairs to go and I'm already out of breath. Okay Anna. Come on. I carried on walking up the stairs. It was like a spiral which made me so dizzy. I need water. Argh! Why did it have to be on the fifth floor?

*Six minutes later*

I-I made it. Finally. You don't know how happy I am even though I'm drowning in a pool of sweat. Right. Now, I have to find number 130. Walking along the corridor, I counted the numbers in my head.





I grinned as I knocked on the door. But it didn't open. Huh? This is odd. I told her that I was going to visit. Strangely, the door seemed to be open. Is there a burglar?! Slowly, I opened the door to find a horrible sight. The room was a mess. Cushions flown everywhere, flour covered the floor and not to mention the eggs being cracked open. On the floor was a frustrated Elsa.

"Els? What the heck happened?!"


My head hurts. What happened? Opening my eyes, I found myself in my room. I groaned getting up and stretched.

"What the heck happened?" I asked myself.

"Oh you don't want to know." I froze stiff. What was that? Did I just hear a voice behind me? Slowly, I turned my body back. And then, I felt like I was going to faint. There was a person in front of me. I feel like I've seen him before. Wait. It's that ghost guy! It was because of him that fainted!

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