8: Criminals Meet The Agent

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Why? Why did I have to be assigned to this case? Why does he have to be dead? Why am I even a secret agent? Questions ran through my mind.

"You know, you could always quit," the ghost muttered. I looked at him and sighed.

"I'm not going to quit. It's my job." How I wish this job wasn't so difficult.

"Just quit already." I ignored him. No matter how hard it is, I will complete my mission. I looked at the clock and it read ten o'clock. Time goes so quickly.

I turned to the ghost. "Don't you dare disturb me when I'm sleeping. You wouldn't like me when I'm disturbed," I warned, turning off the lights. Walking into my room, I got myself in to bed and turned off the lights.

Time passed and I still couldn't get to sleep. All I did was stare at the ceiling. I shifted and turned but no, I couldn't get to sleep. It was midnight. I groaned pulling the blankets towards me. It was starting to get freezing. I thought I shut the window.

"Are you sure about this?" There was a voice. A voice? I froze. Are they burglars? I need to call the police! Wait. I'm an agent for chocolate's sake!

"Yes I'm sure. Now turn on the lights. I can't see a thing." Oh shoot. Slowly, I tried to get off the bed without them noticing. But did it work? No. Instead of moving like a ninja, I moved like a duck and landed face flat on the floor causing a big thump.

"Ow!" I cried in pain, rubbing my poor nose. That's it. I'm officially the worst agent there is.

There were a few gasps as I stood up slowly still in pain.

"Quick. Turn on the lights," one of them demanded. Oh no. The light flickered on and I turned around slowly. There were three of them. Two girls and one boy. Oddly, they look very familiar.

It was silent for a few minutes until the boy screamed in a very high pitched voice. Then I screamed out of shock. Then the blonde girl screamed. What is up with this screaming?

Suddenly, the door opened and everyone except me had wide open eyes. "Why are you screaming in the middle of the night?" There was a pause. "Hic? Mer? Punzie? What are you guys doing here?" Oh don't tell me. Is it them? But what in the world are they doing here?

The blonde girl screamed again. Oh for the love of chocolate. "Ghost!" They can see him? What a relief. I'm not the only one.

"Is that you Jack?" The boy asked.

"Of course it's not him Hic! He's dead!" The red haired girl shouted. I was awkwardly standing in the middle. What in the world is actually happening?

"Um..." I started. "Care to explain why there are criminals in my apartment?"


It was the day well, night we go back to our apartment. Hopefully, we won't get caught.

"Do you guys remember what I told you?" We nodded at Peter.

"Stay out of trouble and don't get caught." Peter smiled gave us a key.

"It's for my car. Just don't crash it or anything."

I chuckled lightly as we walked towards the door. "We won't." Luckily, I was driving which means we'll get there in time. We said our goodbyes and walked outside. It was complete deserted almost as if the human population had evaporated or something.

Opening the door to the car, I got in the drivers seat.

"Wait. I thought Hic was driving?" Punzie asked. I shook my head.

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