2: The Big Four? A Gang of Fools!

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I packed my suitcase as I carried it downstairs. I saw Anna grinning like a mental person and I rolled my eyes. She's such a cheerful person.

"Let me help you," dad offered. I thanked him. Anna nudged me while we walked outside our house.

"I'm so excited! Aren't you excited? I can't wait!" She squealed again.

"No. Not really."

"Cheer up, grumpy!" She always has that happy side to her and never does she lose it. That's the main thing about her. Always so happy. All our suitcases were put into the car and everything else into the moving van. Guess this is it then. Goodbye Disney Hills.

"Everyone, get in the car quickly." We all got in as dad started the car. I sighed leaning my head on the window. The trees moved so quickly as the sun beamed out its bright shine. I never knew how bright it would be in the morning.

"Hey! Why don't we sing a song?" Anna suggested. I groaned plucking in my earphones.

"Sure thing sweetheart," mum replied smiling.

"Great idea!" And then the misery of singing comes along. All three of them started singing the wheels on the bus which seriously is just too childish. I swear, I'm not from this family. At least I have my earphones. I put on my favourite song and hummed to it. But, the noise of the three insane people was too loud to pluck out. I groaned putting my head in my hands and closing my eyes. Maybe living separately on my own isn't such a bad idea after all. I can at least get away from all the foolishness.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round!" They all shouted happily. Oh how I wish I was deaf. And this journey just got a whole lot worser.

After a whole lot of misery, we finally got to Pixar City. Finally! But, we still couldn't find the apartment where I'm supposed to live alone. Well only for a bit.

"I think it's a right turn," said my dad as he started going left. We probably spent about an hour looking for this apartment. I groaned still looking at the view. I don't know what it is, but I'm shivering like hell. Yes the air conditioning is off. Yes it's nice and sunny outside. And yes no one else is cold except from me. This is so odd.

"Why don't we ask for directions?" Suggested Anna who grinned.

"Good idea! You come up with the most brilliant ideas!" Mum praised smiling.

"When are we going to get there?" I asked. My stomach was grumbling loudly. I'm surprised no one else heard all the grumbling.

"Have patience Els. We're nearly there." After a million turns and directions from complete strangers, we finally arrived. I got out of the car stretching my arms and legs. Oh you don't know how cooped up it was. I could barely move my legs since it was such a small car. I reached for the keys that Manny gave me and opened the front door with my suitcases in my hands. Amazement flooded through my body. It was simply outstanding. A modern apartment with a cosy fireplace. Wow!

"You're so lucky Els!" Anna giggled hugging me. Mum and dad smiled.

"We're going to miss you Elsa."

"I'm going to miss you too." We all had a group his which suffocated me. I couldn't even breath. But I'm sure going to miss those weird family moments. Oh good times. I once snorted water from my nose because of Anna. She was doing the chicken dance! Blame it on her not me.

"I'll call everyday," Anna said walking towards the door with my parents. I rolled my eyes as I stood saying goodbye.

"Sure. I don't care. Just don't interrupt me when I'm eating chocolate," I joked laughing.

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