5: Revenge is Sweet

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My head is pounding. It's one in the morning and here I am, looking at the four pictures in front of me. I groaned. I haven't even gotten one clue about these people. How am I even supposed to capture them?

"I will catch you." My eyes narrowed at the pictures. I may not know where they are, but I will catch them. I just know it. The window opened as a fast of wind thrashed through. I yelped in surprise as I fell off my chair. Seriously? Do I have to do this every time?

"Get used to it, will you?" The ghost muttered walking towards my desk. I didn't respond as I sighed and forced myself to get up. I glanced at the ghost who had wide open eyes. What's he so surprised about?

"What's up with you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"W-why do you have these pictures? Do you know them?"

I gathered up the pictures and placed them in my drawer. I turned to Mr Ghost, raising an eyebrow. "What's it to you?"

"You don't know, do you?" He frowned as he sighed.

"Know what?" I started walking to the kitchen for a small snack. I'm starving!

He sighed again. "I'll be out." And with that, he rushed out of the window and another wave of cold wind came in. I stood there confused out of my mind. What was that all about? And what do I not know? I'm so confused but I shook the thought and opened the fridge. I took out a piece of chocolate cake. What? I can't simply go without chocolate. Walking, I sat on my chair with the cake on a plate. I placed it on y desk. With my fork, I took a slice. It's so good. Man I missed the taste of delicious, mouthwatering chocolate.

I couldn't even get to sleep. I groaned as I got out the pictures again. Why does it have to be so hard? Anyway, Manny called and told me to go to his office immediately tomorrow...well technically today. I sighed. I better get some sleep and not let that ghost disturb me. Where is he anyway? Wait a minute. Why am I letting him stay in my apartment? What the heck am I even doing? I have gone crazy. But where is that ghost anyway?


"Would you quit doing that Tink?" I muttered trying to get the little girl away from me. Oh how does Peter and Wendy cope with her?

"TinkerBell, sweetie? Do you want to play outside?" Punzie offered sweetly. The little girl nodded, running out of the room. I sighed in relief. Punzie turned to me, smiling. "A thanks would be nice."

"Thank you Punz. You literally saved my life." She let out a little giggle. I turned to Peter who was writing some notes on paper. "Is there anyway that we can see Emma?" Peter sighed, putting down his pen.

"Seeing as you're wanted criminals, there's no way you guys can be seen outside."

"So you're saying that we can't visit Emma?" Punzie asked, frowning. Peter nodded. We can't go on like this. We promised Jack that Emma will be alright but we're breaking the promise. We can't do this. We can't keep hiding.

"But this was years ago and we didn't steal anything when Jack...died," Hic muttered. Peter sighed and took out a newspaper.

"This," he said pointing to the paper in front of us. "Says something different." The three of us gasped in shock. The headlines said: The Big Four, Murderers?

"What in the world?" Everyone was shocked. Yes we're thieves, but we will never kill anyone for money. We're not that cruel.

"Again?" This is going to far. We're getting accused of doing stuff we didn't even do.

"Someone's doing this on purpose." We all nodded in agreement.

"But who?" Punzie asked. We don't have enemies that I know of. So, who's doing this?

"I don't know. But whoever's doing this must really hate you guys," Peter muttered, staring at the newspaper.

Hiccup sighed. "Why though? Why is he killing innocent people?"

"Is there a pattern?" Wendy asked. We all stared at her and back at the newspaper.

"She's right. There must be a pattern." A pattern? I looked at the three victims. One was Fishlegs who was an old friend of ours. Sadly, he was brutally murdered and we couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. The other one was Fiona. She was Rapunzel's cousin. Poor Punzie. She was one of her favourite cousins. And the third one was Astrid also a friend of ours–my best friend. After some thinking, I realised what they all have in common. My eyes widened in shock and horror.

"They're all associated with the big four. We all know them very well. Anyone who associates with us, gets murdered," I muttered. Everyone looked at me with the same expression.

"You mean, people close to us gets murdered?" Punzie questioned. I nodded. She gulped, looking petrified. "Guys, I think I know who the next victim is."

I gasped. No. It can't be her.



Everything's going smoothly. My trusted companion has the poison. This will kill her completely.

"Why do you even hate them anyway?" I turned to him with a frown.

"They killed her."

"You mean Luna?" I nodded, glaring at the four pictures on the wall. Three were marked out with a big red cross. Just one more and I'll have my revenge.

"The day she gets to hospital, the day she dies." He smirked, evilly. I've chosen the perfect teammate for this.

"But why Anna? She doesn't know them, does she?" I shook my head.

"Her sister does. She's on their case."

"You mean she's a secret agent?" I nodded my head. My eyes narrowed down on the last victim. They will all pay for what they did to Luna. She died because of them. My daughter, an innocent child who did nothing to deserve death. And Manny still chose him. After the things I did for him, he still chose that puny boy.

"I have to admit. You're going way too far with this whole revenge thing," he said chuckling. I turned to him and glared.

"Do you want to help or not?"

"Of course I am. You're the one who chose me." I smirked. The big four are going to pay. They ruined my family. They murdered my child.

I will kill her.

A/N: I updated! It took a while but I updated! Guess who Unkown was but it's obvious. I'm really bad at suspense. Anyway, the chapter is short and I can see that. But do you like it? Anything to improve on? I can't believe there's only 5 chapters. I need to make more! And yes I'm aware that I haven't updated my other book. That's because I ran out of ideas but I promise you, it will be updated soon, I hope. But the main thing was, I was being lazy like always. I apologise for that

I will update! Hopefully!

Bye, Unicorns!

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