3: Hauntings and Tutus

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I waved goodbye to Tiana as I walked down the hallway. I can't believe I actually made a friend on my first day! Elsa would be so proud of me. And I can't wait to see her again tomorrow. We're going to have such a girly time together. But I wonder what she wanted to say to me. She sounded...scared for some reason. Like she's seeing ghosts or something. Nah! Ghosts don't exist. Besides, Elsa's the one who's supposed to say that. Not me. I never thought she would believe in stuff like that. It's just not real.

My thoughts were washed away as I fell backwards. "I'm so sorry," a voice called holding his hands out. I looked up to see a handsome face. He had such mesmerising eyes and his hair...wow. I blushed at the thought and gladly accepted his hands.

"No no. It's my fault really. I didn't see where I was going and I'm sorry again. I'm sorry I just...wow you're gorgeous," I accidentally said as I stood up. I mentally face palmed my self. What have I done? Now he's going to think I'm such a creep.

"Why thank you. But not as gorgeous as you m'lady." His kissed my hand and I blushed madly. No one has called me gorgeous before. Wow! It feels like I just won a whole sack of chocolate!

"May I ask, what's your name?" He asked looking dashing.

"A-Anna," I stuttered smiling widely.

"A pretty name for a beautiful woman. I'm Hans and-" A voice shouted interrupting him.

"Oi Hans! What are you doing?"

"One minute! I'll be there!" He shouted back. Looking at me, he smiled. "Well it looks like I got to go. But I'm sure we'll meet again." He kissed my hand once again as he rushed over to his friends. I feel so fluttered and so loved! Never have I been kissed on the hand before! I feel like squealing now. Oh I need to tell Elsa about this. She's going to be so happy for me! Maybe I'll call her tonight or tomorrow when I see her. Yeah. I'll tell her tomorrow. It'll be such a surprise!

"Excuse me?" Someone called from behind me. I looked back to find a man dressed in some sort of black dress. He had a strange aura around him. Like a creepy aura.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I tried so hard to not sound scared but at the end, my voice cracked. He let out a chuckle as his sharp eyes met mine.

"You're Anna Elsa's sister right?" I stiffened. How does he know that? Does he stalk me? Anyway, he looks so old. I know for sure that he's not a student. Maybe a teacher? But I haven't seen him around.

"H-how do you know?" I asked wrapping back a little.

"So my hunch was right. Well then Anna, I'm coming back for you." With a sly smirk, he vanished into thin air. Just like that he's gone. What just happened?


My eyes stared at the four pictures. One of them was of a girl with fiery red hair. She was holding a bow and arrow. Her name well nickname was The Archer. I guess I know why she was named that.

Another was also a girl. She had long blonde hair with a flowery headband on top. She actually looks pretty nice to me. I can't believe someone who looks so calm and kind looking is actually a criminal. Anyway, she was named The Healer. Healer? Is she some sort of medical nurse or something?

The next person was a boy with brown ruffled hair. He was holding a kind of sword in his hands. He had a smile which wasn't at all made for a criminal. His name was The Warrior. How can a criminal look so kind?!

And the final one was another boy. He also had brown hair which his hands ran through. He was holding a weapon that I couldn't make out because of how blurry it was. And this one was named The Guardian. Such weird names. But I feel like I've seen him before but where? Im pretty sure I haven't.

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