Ayato's friend?! More like women hunter!

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me miss can you please let go of ore-sama?" He asked. She stopped in her tracks and looked at walker. "See? All better right ?"

~few minutes later~

Me and Walker we both tied up and had big bumps on our heads as Siera dusted her hands off. "Baka's." She said. "Oi!/hey!" We both yelled. She glared at us and we shut up.

*siera's POV*

'Geez! What a bunch of idiots!' I thought to myself as I looked at the two tied up boys. "So tell me." I said crouching down in front of Ayato. "Why the hell am I here?! And why does he call you ore-sama?!" I yelled pulling on his cheeks.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you!" He said. I huffed and let go of his cheeks. I had untied them an Ayato rubbed his cheeks while walker asked if he was ok. "Spill it." I said a dark aura surrounding me. They both flinched and nodded their heads.

"I'm walker and I'm ore-sama's friend! It's nice to meet you Siera-sama! I've heard a lot about you!" Walker said bowing. I sweat dropped but nodded none the less. "Walker wanted me to introduce you two and so I thought that today would be good. Besides we we're going to play basketball." Ayato said shrugging.

I sighed and nodded my head. "Well you could have said something in the first place Baka Oreo." Ayato got a ticked mark on his head. i looked at walker and he flinched. I smiled softly and walked over to him as I held a hand out. "Hi I'm Siera sorry about earlier." I said looking away in shame.

He didn't say anything making me look at him only to see stars in his eyes. "Siera-sama is so nice!" He yelled and hugged me. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. "Oi. Walker she's mine." Ayato growled as he pulled me away from walker and held me close.

Walker rubbed the back of his head and apologized. "Ehe. Gomen ore-sama." He said nervously. I sighed and punched Ayato's arm making him let me go and rub his arm. "Baka! I'm no ones!" I yelled. Ayato looked like he was going to say something but didn't.

Walker smiled and nodded his head but I swear I saw a devilish look in his eyes. "Whatever. Let's go play basketball." Ayato said and started walking off. I sighed but followed none the less. 'As I I had a choice.' I thought.

Soon we reached a basketball court. Ayato hummed and pulled a basketball out of nowhere. 'Not even gonna ask.' I sighed and sat down on a bench. Ayato and walker went one on one while I sat there bored. "Can I play?" I asked after about three hours.

They looked at me shocked before Ayato started laughing. "Haha! You?! Play?! Haha! Your way out of your league if you want to go against ore-sama!" Ayato laughed. A ticked mark appeared on my head. "Hey! Hey! Give her a chance ore-sama!" Walker said smiling at me.

I don't know why but...he gives me the chills. Ayato stopped laughing and looked at walker and sighed. "Fine." He said passing the ball to walker who was confused. "But she has to go against you first." He said and walked over to the bench and sat down.

Walker sighed but smiled and looked at me apologetically. "Gomen Siera-sama but I won't go easy on you." He said dribbling the ball. I nodded as I started to take off my shirt. Walker blushed and so did Ayato. "O-Oi! What are y-you doing?!" Ayato yelled.

I looked at them and sighed as I threw my shirt down only for me to be wearing a black tank top. "Baka's! Your just like laito and Subaru!" I yelled. It was true Ayato looked shocked and was blushing while walker...he had this look in his eyes. 'He's the predator I'm the prey.' I thought to myself.

I sighed and got ready to play. "Let's get this over with. I have to help kou with his homework." I said. Walker nods and starts to dribble. Soon the game begun.

~time skip cause I'm lazy~

Walker was on the ground panting while I just stood there spinning the ball on my finger. "70-30 I win." I said. Walker nodded as he stayed on the ground. Ayato was shocked but soon smirked. "Heh. Maybe you'll be able to face ore-sama after all." Ayato chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and threw the basketball at his head. He grunted and held his head in pain. "Hey ore-sama? Do you think you can get us some drinks?" Walker asks smiling nervously. Ayato sighed and glared at walker but went to go get drinks.

"Hey Siera-sama can you help me up?" Walker asked holding his hand out for me. I sighed and took his hand only for him to smirk and pull me down on top of him. "Walker what the?!" I didn't finish because I felt him lick my neck.

*walker's POV*

I smirked as I pulled her down on top of me and held onto her tightly. "Walker what the?!" I licked her neck as a blush formed on my cheeks. "Siera-sama~ you must be the one~" I purred as I kissed her neck and kept licking it.

"W-what the hell?! S-stop it!" She yelled trying to push me away. I smiled as I gazed up at her angry, confused, and flustered face. "Kawaii~" I purred kissing her cheek. "Yes. You are the one~ you're my prey~" I said.

She glared down at me. "The hell you mean I'm your prey?!" She yelled pissed. I chuckled. "My name's walker I'm a women hunter and I hunt down girls who I think suit my needs....if you know what I mean." I said eyes filled with lust.

She looked disgusted. "No way in hell!" She yelled. I sighed as she kept trying to escape. "You know Siera-sama...I'm a women hunter so I get what I want. And when I'm done with that girl I kill her....but you....you are perfect...I won't get bored of you~ also if you tell that damn Ayato about this I'll make sure to kill him and everyone else." I said threateningly all happiness gone.

She didn't say anything making me smirk and gently push her off. When we stood up Ayato came back and tossed us our drinks. I smiled and thanked him as I started to drink my drink. Siera on the other hand...well when she caught her drink she crushed it making it explode everywhere.

Her bangs covered her face as she. Started to walk away. "Sorry but I need to go and help kou with his homework." She said. Ayato was confused but just let her go and started to shoot baskets on his own while I sat on a bench.

I smirked as I watched her figure disappear. When I finished my drink I noticed Siera's drink on the ground and picked it up only to see what looked like puncture marks. 'Huh? Cat claws?' I thought as I examined the can.

I smirked as I threw both cans away and told Ayato I needed to go home. As I'm walking it starts to rain. "Heh." I laugh lightly as I put my hood over my head. "So~ my little Siera-sama has a dark secret~" I purred. "It's to bad...I know what you are." When lightning struck near me a tail and ears were sticking up.

"Your just like me~ only not a pure blood~"

*to be continued*

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