Chapter 5 : Riker loves Taylor...

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Chapter 5

Taylor POV

"Ross!? What are you doing here!? Your family is freaking out!" I yelled.

"He didn't have anywhere to go!" Emily shouted back.

"He could go home!"

"No he can't! Riker ruined his life!"

"He's 12, Emily! His life isn't ruined!"

"I can't believe you would do something like you did last night to make him embarrassed!"

"Emily, he was spying on me! That's not ok! How would you feel!?"

"That's not the point!"

I sighed.

"Ross, will you please come with me?" I asked.

Ross looked between me and Emily.

"Please?" I asked again, staring into his eyes.


I held my hand out to Ross, and he took it. We walked downstairs, and out the front door. Riker was facing away from us, staring off into nowhere.

"Riker, I got you something," I said.

Riker turned around. His face lit up, and he hugged his brother really tight.

"Ross! Where were you!?"

"I was at Taylor's."

"Since when?"

"Last night. I snuck in Emily's window by climbing the tree."

"Don't ever run away from home again! I was so worried!"

"Riker...! Can't...! Breathe...!"

"Oh! Sorry."

There were tears running down Riker's face, and I thought it was kind of cute how much he cared about his brother. I took out my phone and texted Jake.

"Ross is home," I texted.

"How about we go inside," I said, starting to get really cold again.

"Oh. Yeah," Riker said, leading us to his house.

We sat down in the kitchen, facing each other.

"Ross, I'm really sorry about last night. I know I texted Taylor, and everything. But it was a joke, and I wasn't trying to hurt you," Riker said.

"It's ok, I guess..."

Everyone came bursting in through the front door. Ross was being squeezed in a group hug. I snuck out and went back home.


Taylor POV

I was about to get in bed and go to sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it.

"Hey, Taylor."

It was Riker.

"Hey... Um... What are you doing here?"

"Could I come in and talk to you for a minute?"

"Uh... Sure."

I sat on one end of my bed, and Riker sat on the other.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping find my brother. And I wanted to apologize again for accidentally knocking you into the pool. I'm sorry."

I sighed.

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