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Me:We have a dare!
kreahe112 :I dare the semes to stalk their ukes.
Days later...
Me:Well,I just got a report from the semes.A letter.Here!*holds up paper*

Dear Yuki,we have a report on our stalking the ukes.
Usagi:I have been stealing all of Misaki's the Kan manga and replacing them with my Junai novels.
Nowaki :I took all of Hiro-san's work from Miyagi and wrote insulting things to him to stay away from Hiro -san !
Miyagi:I threw out all of the cabbage and put in actual good green foods.
Asahina:I stole all of Isaka's work clothes. 
Takano:I stole all of Ritsu's pictures from highschool and replaced them with my pictures in exchange.
Yukina:I snuck all of my highschool pictures of me in Kisa- san's bedroom!
Hatori: I threw out all of Chiaki's belongings that involved Yuu whatsoever.
Kirishima: I stole all of Yokozawa's embarrassing hidden pictures.
Misaki :*walks in*Hey Yuki,have you seen my manga anywhere?
Ritsu:And my high school photos?
Me:*laughs*Comment!*turns to boys *Well,you see,the semes...

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