Usagi's Novels

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Nowaki:Yay!My turn!Usami-san!What kinds of books do you write?Hiro-san has all of them,so I'm curious.
All:*face-palm ourselves*
Usagi:*smirks*Mostly,BL novels.They are my little fantasies in my mind.Here,*hands him Junai Romantica series*
Me:*mutters*He didn't even ask truth or dare...
Usagi:That's about me and Misaki.Our perfect love life in my head!Here is Junai Terrorist.*Hands him book*
Me:Uh oh...Here it comes.
Usagi:And Junai Egoist.
Nowaki:*looks through it*Ah!Me and Hiro-san!
Usagi:Yep.*whispers*Get good ideas for you and Hiroki from that.
Nowaki:*nods eagerly*
Hiroki:BAKAHIKO!!!!!*chases him*
Me:*laughs hysterically*
Misaki:Yay!I get to close it this time~Bye,readers!Comment,please and I'd appreciate it!

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