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Me:No ones commenting,so I'll ask a question.Which one was your favorite chapter?
Usagi:Easy.I liked Bunny Misaki.Ya know,the one where Misaki seduced me in that adorable skimpy bunny outfit?
Me:Oh yeah!
Misaki:I liked Poor Takahiro and Poor,Poor Takahiro when we got to scare Nii-chan!
Ritsu:Yandere Ukes.Definitely.We got to chase around the people we hated.
Takano:10 Things.When Ritsu told me what he loved about me.
Hiroki:*laughs*Miyagi the Proud,Old Pedophile.
Nowaki:Why Nowaki. Finds Hiroki Cute.I got to tell everyone how cute Hiro-san is!
Kisa:Our Dirty,Cute,Sparkly Idiots.
Yukina:Ah!SIH Take Over!
Shinobu:Ukes' Proposal.
Miyagi:Shinobu's Cabbage Obsession!
Chiaki:Poor Semes,when we pretended to have amnesia and not know them!
Hatori:Neko. Dance.Seeing Chiaki dance in a neko outfit.
Yokozawa:I liked Payback.Finally getting back at him.
Kirishima:One Thing.Picking one object for forever.
Me:I personally liked Switch.Remmber?When you acted like your lovers?
All:* nod and laughs*
Me:Good times!Anyways,please comment more dares!
Misaki :Arigato!

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