New kid

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Sky was lead to their room by a frail old lady who looked like a small gust of wind would snap her in half.

The room was fairly large with 2 bunk beds one on each side of the room. It was less prison-like than they'd expected with galaxy colored walls the blue and purple mixing mystically round the room and the small white stars giving you a comforting feeling that you're not alone.

"We let the kids do what they like with the rooms," the old woman explained with a shrug "gives 'em a place to feel safe."

I like this woman

"SHHH the new kid might be able to hear us!" Someone said in an exaggerated whisper

Moments later 3 kids around sky's own age bounced into the room.

"Hi I'm amber!" A girl said, her eyes sparkled in the light if the room almost as much as the stars on the wall.

"I'm Megan!" Said another girl and waved

"Oscar, what did I tell you? Real names. None of this fake naming business." The old lady scolded

Oops I spoke too soon

"I-I'm max" squeaked a boy from behind Megan

"Sky" they replied

"Excuse me?" The woman raised her eyebrows so high sky was suprised they didn't unbalance her and send her flying.

They sighed "Skylar."

Fucking hag

"Okay, now you're all aquatinted I'll let you guys alone." And then the old hag was gone.

Sorry it's short guys next chapter coming on Thursday hope you're enjoying it, keep voting and commenting!

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