Chapter Fifteen: I'll Shove My Foot So Far Up There, I Swear To God

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Lily's P.O.V.

I gulped nervously and took a step back, only to bump into Dean's hard chest. 'Fuck.'

"Lily?" Sam asks. I turn to look at him and sigh as he frowns. "What does he mean, not human?" Sam probes as Dean sets his hand on my shoulder. Sam stands up and slowly walks towards the desk, atop it lie a knife. Castiel places his hand inside his pocket and steps towards me.

'Not good, not good.' Sweat beads on my forehead as I clench my fists to keep from trembling. The three of them begin to close in on me, much like lions stalking their prey, about to go for the kill. "What the hell Dean?" I laugh nervously, looking back towards Sam, and the knife in his hand. "If this is some kind of joke, it's not funny." I say, eyes dancing around the room. 'There has to be a way out of this. I don't want to have to use him.'

"This is not a joking manner Lily. It is not possible for your kind to see my wings." The angel's gruff voice fills my ears. Letting out a snort I push Dean's hand off of me and walk towards the other end of the room.

"Whatever." I mumble, lightly kicking the nightstand. Behind me, someone sighs and suddenly runs towards me. I quickly turn to face Castiel and in a split second I pulled my arm back, clenching my fist, I throw it forward with a force that knocks the angel backwards with a thud. "Piss off angel boy." I chuckle, grabbing a beer. "Or ill knock you on your ass again." Cas grumbles, pulling himself up from the floor and once again, gripping his blade. Raising my eyebrow I set down my drink and smirk. "You asked for it, just remember that."


Castiel's P.O.V.

I hesitate, sending glances back towards Dean and Samuel and then towards Lily. Attack or retreat. It could go either way. "I do not wish to hurt a human." I say "Especially one as frail as you." Smirking, I start to put my blade away. Lily lets out an almost animalistic growl before lunging towards me. 'She is fast as a snake, I'll give her that.' Cat quick, she lunges towards my left side, forcing a sharp burst of pain to fill my side as she punches in between my ribs. I let out a grunt of pain before launching myself toward her. 'Too late.' I knew I'd be too late. Her fist meets my cheekbone before I can react and my blade is wrenched out of my hands. She forces me against the motel room's grimy wall.

"Did you know, if I pushed this knife up under your breastbone, I would be able to literally rip your heart to pieces?" Lily asks teasingly. I exhale slowly, very aware of the knife being pressed into my skin. I look towards the woman in front of me and stop breathing. She stares into my eyes and smirks again.

'Her eyes are bluer than ice.' I think to myself. I did not, I could not look away. A strange flutter fills my chest, and a very new feeling fills my very being as she furrows her brow. I couldn't explain it; I just knew she was the one.


I couldn't take my eyes off of her, even as she scoffs and backs away. Knowing that this woman would kill me if given the chance, I surprise myself as I instinctively reach my calloused hand toward her. But she slaps my hand away and angrily stabs my blade into the wall beside my head. Leaning towards my ear, she whispers to me.

"If you ever talk about my being not mortal, I will not hesitate to drive your own blade so far up your ass that you'll become a unicorn." Backing away slowly she grins at me before grabbing the alcoholic beverage from the nightstand and turns towards her siblings.

Lily's P.O.V.

I turn towards my brothers, and take a swig of my beer, still confused from the winged bastard's actions and smirk at their shocked faces. I point at Dean. "How about you buttmunch, do you want to taste your own shit? Cause I can shove his knife up your ass after I'm done." Dean visibly gulps and raises his arms up in surrender.

"Nope I'll pass, I'm peachy." I turn towards Sam.

"And how about you Jolly Giant?" Sam shakes his head quickly and backs up. I laugh lightly and walk towards the front door. Opening it, I turn towards the three of them

"Next time, if you wanna talk shit to me, how about I reach down your throat and pull your ass up to your mouth so the trip will be shorter?". I smile sweetly and let the door close behind me, Chuckling as I walk towards my room.


A/N: Short I know. Im short on time!




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