Chapter Twelve: Chris

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Lily's P.O.V.

A calm silence fills the air around the two of us as we near the Motel. I look up at Erebus and frown slightly.

'When will he finish his job and collect me?' I think to myself, 'Erebus has to be replaced soon, and I am the only available candidate.' A shiver runs through my body, serving time in Hell would no doubt be horrifying. Erebus, noticing me shiver, stops and sets down the bag of food.

"What are you doing?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. Erebus removes his jacket and places it around my shoulders.

"You were shivering." He states simply and picks up the bag in one hand, and gently grabs mine in another.

As we near the motel, I see the Impala parked at the end of the rooms. Erebus and I walk closer before he lets my hand go. I sulk a little as his warmth leaves me. He hands me the bag of food and steps back.

"Lily." My eyes meet his and I smile

"What's up? Do you have another question about how we humans behave?" I ask. His face becomes serous as he takes a step closer to me. My smile slowly turns to a frown as I see the fearful look in his eyes.

"You are running out of time, I can only protect you for so long. Sooner or later, you will have to fulfill your debt." My eyes widen and I begin to shake, thinking about what awaits me in my future. Erebus pulls me into his arms as we sink towards the cold concrete. "Shh, Lily, I am sorry." He says as he hugs me tighter.

"What will I do?" I cry "What will my brothers do? Crowley is gonna find us and then we will both be dead." The tears continue to fall down my cheeks

'Was it worth it? Was it worth it to save him?' 

Dean's P.O.V.

After Lily left to get food, Sammy and I checked into the motel. Currently, Sam was translating some old book and I was cleaning out my gun.

A groan leaves my lips as I set aside my gun and grab a beer from the mini fridge. Sam looks up at me and clears his throat.

"What are we going to do about Lily?" He asks. I sigh and sit back on my bed.

"I don't know Sammy." I say. "We have gone through everything. Every possible outcome and we have nothing, nada, zip, zero." Sam frowns and pulls out Lily's scrapbook, flipping through the pictures before landing on one containing the three of us. All seems normal until you get to Lily. A dark shadow, almost humanoid, is beside her.

"This is not normal Dean!" Sam yells. "Lily is obviously in danger, and I will not lose someone else!" Throwing the scrapbook down, Sam stands up and runs his hand through his hair, frustrated, before sighing. "Has-Has anything strange happened while I was at Stanford? Anything, strange even for us? Did she say anything, or-"

"There was one hunt." I said. Sam turns to look at me. I take a swig of my beer before looking up at him. "It was her last one before she left..." I sigh and sit up. "Damn, that hunt killed her."



Lily and I were on a hunt in Colorado, something about weird shit going down at a high school. So, we were going in as teachers. Lily as a Gym teacher, and me as a... Art teacher.

"Ha! I can't believe you are an art teacher Deany-poo!" Lily laughs beside me as we drive towards the school. 

"Shut up mangie, what are you going to do, play duck duck goose?" I ask, smirking. Lily laughs and punches me in the shoulder. 

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