Chapter Eight: Oh Fuck Thats Creepy

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Sam's P.O.V.

The car pulls up in front of Constance's house and stops. The engine shuts off and so do the lights.

"Don't do this." I say, looking at her flickering form through the mirror

"I can never go home." She states, her voice is sad.

"You're scared to go home." I reply before looking back, only to see Constance gone. I glance around and back and jump when I see her in the shotgun seat. She climbs into my lap, shoving me back against the seat hard, forcing it to recline.

"Hold me. I'm so cold." She whispers

"You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!" I shout, struggling from her grip.

"You will be. Just hold me." Constance begins to kiss me as I continue to struggle reaching for the keys.  Suddenly, she pulls back and disappears, a flash of something horrible behind her face as she vanishes.

'What the hell?' I think to myself before a sharp pain fills my chest. I rip open my hoody only to find that there are five new holes burned through the fabric. Constance flickers in front of me, her hand reaching into my chest. Unexpectedly, a gunshot goes off.

Lily's P.O.V.

"No one-BANG messes-BANG BANG with my baby brother! BANG" I scream firing at the bitch who dare lay her dirty ghost fingers on my Sammy. She glares at me and vanishes, then reappears,

"Oh hell to the no." I say and fire until she disappears again. Sam manages to sit up and start the car and I turn to a wide-eyed Dean.

"Remind me never to get you mad." He says before Sam drives forward and smashes through the side of the house.

"Sam!" Dean and I yell before dashing towards the wreckage to the passenger side of the car.

"Sam! Sam! You okay?" I yell

"I think..." he groans

"Can you move?"

"Yeah. Help me?" I look at Dean expectantly.

"You're the mangie here." He says smirking.

"I swear to god Dean, I'm going to shove my foot so far up your-"

"Okay! Okay! I got it god." Dean leans through the window to give Sam a hand as I watch Constance pick up a photograph.

"A little faster Dean! The bitch is back." I whisper as Dean helps Sam out of the car. Constance looks up and glares at us before throwing the picture down.

"Hey now...I know you may be on your period but you should totally just go gets some ice cream, maybe see a movie-Gah!" She glares at me before I'm throw towards a wall.

"Lily!" The boys yell before they're pinned against the car. The lights flicker, and Constance suddenly looks around, scared. Water begins to pour down the stairs. And a little boy and girl begin to descend.

"You've come home to us, Mommy." The say in sync.

"Oh fuck, that's creepy." I groan from my position on the wall. Constance looks at them, distraught. The children disappear and reappear behind her before they embrace her tightly.

She lets out a loud scream, her image flickering and in a surge of energy, still screaming, Constance and the two children melt into a puddle in the floor. Sam and Dean shove the bureau over and I drop from the wall. They dash over to me and help me up

"Are you okay? Sam asks, looking me over.

"Did that Constance bitch hurt you?" Dean asks, looking around.

"I am not a flower dimwits, now get the fuck away from me." I growl. The three of us look at the spot where they had vanished.

"So this is where she drowned her kids." Dean states. Sam nods.

"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them." I say sadly.

"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy. Come on Dean." I say, slapping Sam on the chest and walking away Dean following. Sam laughs a bit        

"Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?" Sam says catching up to us.

"Hey. Saved your ass." I say pointing the gun at him. Dean scoffs and takes the gun out of my hands and leans over to look at the car.

"I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?" Dean twists around to look at Sam

"I'll kill you."

Yeah Its short I know, But i just wanted to get like the Constance bit over with. More to come!




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