Chapter Ten: Dirty Work

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We traveled from town to town solving simple cases. You'd think it would be fun because I am with my brothers? No, No it isn't. After the tenth case with Sam in his revenge bent state and Dean's shitty jokes I'm pretty damn close of opening the impalas door and just throwing my body out.

So far, we haven't heard any word from Dad still, and it doesn't look like we will anytime soon. No texts, no calls, just a trail of mysterious deaths and weird murders. I slumped further into the old leather of the impala's back seat and sighed. Sam and Dean sit in the front, Sam looking at a map and Dean, Dean is just being Dean. Pulling out my phone, I open it to see a message from Bobby. 'Heh, who knew Bobby could text?' I chuckle and open the text.

Hey baby girl. Haven't heard from you in a while, don't be in trouble now ya hear? Heard you were with dumb and dumber, don't do anything stupid ya idjit.  –Bobby

I let out a sigh and looked up at my brothers before replying:

If I were dead, how would I be able text you back? I surprised you even know how to text...or work anything other than the microwave. Anywho, yes I am with the boys Sam is, getting there. And Dean...he's just being Dean. I'll be fine Bobby, hunting is in my blood.


P.S. When do I ever get in trouble? ;)

Pressing send I look up and meet Dean's gaze through the rearview mirror.

"Do you...need something?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. Dean looks at me for a moment before turning back towards the road.

"Nope." After the whole Jess incident, Both Dean and Sam have been distant. I knew Sam was still just scared, while Dean... Dean had no reason to be scared of me as far as I knew. But here we are with the distant glances filled with uneasiness and caution. 'What the hell did I do? Fucking tell me!' I furrow my eyebrows in thought as we pull up to another shitty motel.

"You had to choose the shittiest one on the block didn't you?" I ask sarcastically. "Yu two bozos go check in and I'll get us some grub." I jump out of the impala and grab my purse before beginning to walk down the street.

"Get me some pie!" Dean yells after me as the both of them walk towards the lobby.

"Yeah, Yeah." I wave my hand behind me and continue towards a diner.

The ding of the bell goes off as I enter the old fashion diner. I walk towards the counter and smile at the older woman behind it.

"Hello dearie, what can I get you?" she asks, pulling out her notepad.

"Let me get a bacon cheeseburger with fries, a Cobb salad with ranch dressing, and a B.L.T. with a side of fries." I say "Oh and two slices of apple pie." She jots my order down and looks back up at me.

"Anything else?"

"No thank you!"

"Okay, I'll be right back with your order." As she tells the chef my order, I sit down at one of the bar stools and put my head in my arms.

"Well that was quite a large order!" a voice sounds from beside me. I look up at the greasy man and cringe. His clothes are tattered and he stinks of beer.

"I suppose." I reply hesitantly

"Here you go darling." The woman appears with a large bag of food.  I hand her a wad of cash and smile slightly. She glances at the man and then back at me. "You be careful now, ya hear?"

"I will! Thank you." I wave back and walk out the door. I walk along the sidewalk and sigh as I hear the voice of the bastard from the diner."

"Hey wait up baby!" He yells jogging after me. I groan and stop to look at him.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, tapping my foot.

"Well truth is, I've never met a huntress before." My eyes widen momentarily and I take a step back. "I want to fuck you." I smirk slightly. 'Hmm a gun fight, haven't had one of those in a while....'

"I make it a point to never fuck assholes, or pussies." I say, spitting towards the ground. He grimaces and picks up an empty can.

"When this can hits the ground that will be our signal, okay kitty cat?" I set down my bag of food and smirk up at him.

"10, 9, 8, 7-"I grin and run at him, kicking him in the gut. "ACK!" The man tumbles to the floor, alongside his can.

"You wanted to challenge me to a gunfight?" I say walking up to his crumpled form. "Don't make me laugh."

3rd P.O.V.

The shadows all around the two figures begin to stretch towards the woman, surrounding her.

"You'd think I'd waste the energy drawing on a third rate sack of shit like you?" the shadows begin to form a figure behind her, silver eyes blink open within the darkness, a large grin stretches across Lily's face as she kicks the man in the gut. "Dumb fuck." The man looks up at her, nose bleeding from the impact, and fearful eyes staring at her silver eyes. 'I thought they were blue!?' Lily kneels down beside the man.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to kill you. But if you're actually happy to die, that's different story." She gets up and frowns before picking up her bag of food and starts to walk away, the darkened figure following her. "You've wasted enough of my time, I have to get going." The man's eye widen as he struggles to get up.

"How dare you, you fucking bitch?! Get back here!" Lily turns around and scoffs, flipping him off.

"Sack of shit."

"You don't walk away, stop god damnit!" He yells as he gets to his feet and limps after her. "Do you hear me!?" Lily stops and faces the man. Her eyes glide across his bruised form before looking at the shadow. "Erebus, why don't you go have some fun?" Lily asks slyly. The figure seems to tense up before nodding. She smiles once more before continuing on her way towards the motel as the screaming began.

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