Chapter Nine: I Wish I Could Have Shielded You

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Lily's P.O.V.

"Living easy, loving free" I sang in the backseat of the Impala. "Season ticket on a one-way ride" Sam has a map open on his lap and is finding coordinates with a ruler, a flashlight tucked underneath his chin. Dean humming to the song and tapping the steering wheel as we race down the highway.

"Asking nothing"

"Okay, here's where Dad went." Sam says, looking at Dad's journal

"Leave me be" I close my eyes and hum the lyrics, listening to Sam

"It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado."

"Taking everythin' in my stride"

"Sounds charming. How far?" Dean questions

"Don't need reason"

"About six hundred miles."

"Don't need rhyme"

"Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning." Dean states, his voice hopeful

"Ain't nothing I would rather do" I pry open my eyes and glance at the two of them. Sam looks back at Dean, hesitating.

"Dean, I, um..."

"Going down"

Dean glances at the road and back

"Party time"

"You're not going." He utters quietly. "What about Lily?" I raise my eyebrow and close my eyes listening in on their conversation. I feel Sam's gaze land upon my "sleeping" form.

"My friends are gonna be there too"

"The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there. Besides, I'll keep looking for more information about the pictures." My eyebrows furrow in concentration. 'What photos?' I think to myself.

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever, I'll take you home." The click of the flashlight sounds and the car is plunged into darkness as we drive on.

"Highway to hell"


Sam's P.O.V.

"I'm on the highway to hell"

We pull up in front of the apartment, Dean still frowning, and Lily playing with her hair glowering at her lap. I get out and lean over to look through the window.

"Call me if you find him?" I ask. "And-" I glance over at my sister. "-Keep looking for info on the thing."

Dean nods.

"And maybe I can meet up with you two later, huh?" I lean into the car and ruffle Lily's hair. She smiles softly and holds out her pinkie.

"Promise?" she asks. I grin and wrap my pinkie around hers

"I promise"

I pat the car door twice and turn away. Dean leans toward the passenger door, and the two of them look over towards me.

"Sam?" Dean says out the window. I turn towards them. "You know, we made a hell of a team back there."

"Yeah." I answer, looking at my siblings. Dean looks at me for a few seconds before driving away. I watch the Impala turn the corner and let out a sigh before letting myself inside. Everything is dark and quiet.

"Jess?" I question and close the door.

"You home?" I look over and notice a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table, with a note "Missed you! Love you!" next to a National Geographic. I pick one up and eat it as I sneak into the bedroom, smiling. The shower is running. I sit on the bed and shut my eyes, before flopping onto my back.

Something drips onto my forehead, one drop, then another; I flinch and open my eyes and gasp in horror. Jess is pinned to the ceiling, bleeding from her stomach

"No!" I cry out as she bursts into flame, the flames reaching across the ceiling. The sound of the front door being kicked in sounds from downstairs

"Sam!" Dean yells from downstairs. I raise my arm up to shield my face and stop the coming onslaught of tears.

"Jess!" I cry out before Lily comes running into the bedroom

"Sam! Sam! Dean I found him!" she yells before looking up and seeing Jess. She freezes suddenly and a whimper comes from her throat.

Dean's P.O.V.

I run into Sam's bedroom and see Jess's body on the ceiling, a terror filled Sam, and Lily's frozen body. A black mass begins to come out of nowhere and engulf her shivering form. My eyes widen and I reach out to grab her, but I can penetrate the mass.

"Lily! Snap out of it!" I yell at her before grabbing Sam off the bed and shoving him out the door, by the time I turn back Lily is blinking, a look of confusion on her face, eyes silver. She blinks once and they are back to her original color. "We need to get out of here!" I yell once more. Attempting to get Sam's struggling body out the door. She turns towards Sam and begins to pull him out the door

"Jess! Jess! No!" Sam screams.

Flames engulf the apartment.

Lily's P.O.V.

When I ran into Sam's room, it was just like the night mom died. The fire, the blood, and the terror-filled screams of Dad. Except, I can't remember everything this time. It all begins to get fuzzy before turning black. A comforting darkness shields my eyes and it feels as if my whole body is numb. Then Dean's voice pulled me out of my dreamlike state and a burning sensation fills my eyes before I become aware to the heat of the flames and Dean's frightened stare.

Now, the Fire trucks are all lined up and the firemen attempting to battle the roaring flames coming from within the building as the police keep back the gawkers. Sam and Dean stand beside me, staring into the golden inferno. Dean looks on, and then turns and walks back to the impala. I let out a sigh and wrap my arms around Sam's tense form.

"I'm sorry...You know I'm not good at this type of shit." I whisper before looking up at my brother whose face is set in a mask of desperate anger. Sam looks down at me before letting out a sigh, and hugging me back before walking towards the passenger side of the car.

"We got work to do."  I look up at the stars and exhale.

"Not a single God would cause a miracle for us...All we'll ever know is death Sam...I just wished I could have shielded you from it." I murmur to the wind before shutting the trunk

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