That Lizard Guy.

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Stiles POV

"It's called a 'Merid," Derek explained.

"A what?" I asked.

"It's a lethal creature. They can impale you with their claws that can grow to three feet."

"Well then we're screwed." I comment.

"And if your not dead when they stab you, add the poison that seeps from the tips of their claws."

"Really screwed." I murmured.

"Their tail is as powerful as two werewolves combined."

"Ah, well that helps everything doesn't it." I add.

"Anything else." Scott asks.

"Well the Merid is a mutation. It's somehow half Kanima and half Unknown."

"How is that even possible?" I whine.

"It's a mistake. Probably the only of its kind."

"Oh my gosh." I whisper laying my elbows on the table and setting my head in my hands.

"It has one weakness though." I snap my head up to listen to whatever Derek was about to say. "It's completely blind."

"That's a huge advantage." I state. At this point I realize they were all ignoring me.

"He counts on smell and sound. But it's ears aren't that good. Better than its eyes but not much."

"Wow. That's gr-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when Derek picked up his again.

"But his sense of smell is beyond great." He adds.


"Mm." I turn to see Malia with her eyes closed. She looked like she was struggling internally.

"Malia?" I ask placing my hand gently on her knee.

"You didn't hear that?" She asks seconds later looking at all of us.

"Hear what, Malia?" Derek asks.

"Her howl." She said it with such distaste that I knew exactly who she was talking about. "I know where she is."


"Are you sure she's here?" I whisper to Malia.

"Positive." She states and walks off.

"I hate schools at night." I mumble to myself before following her.

"I think we should split up." Malia says once I catch up to her, Scott and Isaac.

"Yeah. Malia you go that way." Scott points to the far end of the school, where all the administration things were. "Isaac." Scott points to the opposite end. "Stiles you come with me."

"But-" I look at Malia.

"I'll be fine, Stiles." She reassures. She slowly walks over to where Scott told her to go. Isaac follows after to his place and Scott and I enter the school.

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