Meet the Parents

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Raiden's POV

I am scared as shit right now. Literally I cannot think of anything else. Dylan will be over soon to have diner with my parents. He is meeting my parents. My mother is excited, but my father isn't really. He said he is going to go clean his gun on the front porch, which makes me even more scared.

I know my father is just trying to intimidate him, but he is such a good aim that he may just fire it to scared Dylan. This is a fancy type diner too, so I hope he dresses up right. I told him what he should wear, and Ella said she would give him some advice. I just want this to go right.

Okay Raiden. Calm down. Deep breaths. I look in the mirror making sure I look okay. I am wearing a black short dress with my black clean converse high tops. My mother argued against them, but if we are staying here then I will wear them. Hell even if we were going out I would wear them.

There was this one time when we went out to a place to eat with my mother's photographer friends, and I wore cut off jean shorts with an american flag shirt and a pair of combat boots. I thought I looked pretty good, but she thought otherwise.

Her friend though loved my outfit and asked me to model a little for him. I declined politely, telling him I prefer to be on the other side of the camera. I haven't picked one up in years. I wonder if we still have them.

"Honey, Dylan is here." my mother calls from downstairs.

Let the games begin.

I try my best to not run down the stairs to make sure the he is still alive. When I get there Dylan is shaking hands with my father.

"Hello Mr. Callen. It's nice to meet you." he says.

I look him over and a sigh escapes my mouth. He is wearing a nice white button up with some black slacks. He looks good all dressed up.

"Honey close your mouth." my mother whispers in my ear.

I shoot her a glare, as she laughs and walks over to greet Dylan.

"Thank you for inviting me to your home Mrs. Callen." he tells her.

"Please call me Claire. It's nice to finally meet you. Also I am very happy that Raiden now has a boyfriend, and she doesn't wear that old black hoodie." she replies.

"Hey Ava is diner ready yet?" I ask our cook as she walks out.

"Yes Miss. Please come in when all of you are ready." she replies.

I hate when she acts like this. Whenever it just us here we usually bake all things chocolate and watch a movie.

"Well let's go eat." I say, grabbing Dylan's hand.

I pull us into the dinning room and sit him down next to me. My parents take the seats across from us.

"So Dylan do you have a job?" my father asks.

"No sir. My brother works as a detective." he replies.

Wait Luke is a detective? Why am I not surprised?

"What about your parents?" my mother asks.

"Mom." I start, but Dylan puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. I don't mind. My parents divorced a long time ago. My mother remarried and lives in New York. She keeps in touch, but me and my brother wanted to stay here." he replies.

We all talk some more and Dylan makes a joke that my father actually smiles a little too. My mother tells a few stories of me as a little kid. We eat the great food that Ava made, and then it's the end of the night.

"Well Dylan it was good meeting you." my father says, shaking his hand.

"Likewise Mr. Callen." he replies.

"Call me Max." my father says.

I raise my eyebrows and he turns hi expression to me.

"What do you have to say?" he asks.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I reply.

I walk Dylan out the door and shut it.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." he says, smiling down at me.

"Just be glad you survived." I reply, wrapping my hands around his neck.

He leans down and kisses me making it last. I will never get tired of this. He lets go, and walks over to his motorcycle.

"See you later ass hole!" I call out.

He laughs and drives away, but not before I hear, "Sweet dreams my adoring girlfriend."

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