There's a Girl Beneath This Black Hood

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EDITED (6-20-16)- please point out any mistakes politely

This is weird now. Really weird. I'm standing in front of Dylan's house, not really sure what to do.

I'm wearing black skinny jeans with my typical hoodie. Underneath is just a Fall Out Boy shirt. Pretty much my basic outfit.

I sigh and knock on the front door. A few seconds later a guy opens it up. He looks like Dylan, only older and a slightly lighter hair color.

"Are you Raiden?" he asks looking me up and down, which makes me slightly uncomfortable.

I nod and he lets me in.

"Dylan's upstairs. Go on ahead." he tells me.

I thank him, and find Dylan's room. He is lying on his couch, looking half asleep.

Hmm. How should I approach this? Scare the shit out of him, or be gentle so this isn't as awkward? Gentle.

"Hey Dylan." I say, shaking his arm slightly.

He groans annoying, but sits up anyway.

"Forgot you were coming." he says.

His hair is dishevelled and his eyes are a darker grey than usual.

Thanks for remembering me, I want to say.

"So our story." he starts, standing up.

"Damn it's hot in here." I interrupt. It's as hot as hades.

"Yeah our air conditioner is broken. Anyway..." he begins, but stops slowly.

I grab my hoodie bottom and start to pull it up a little.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Taking my hoodie off. I just said it was hot in here. This thing doesn't help." I reply.

"You never take that thing off." he mutters.

"I do at home all the time. I just wear it at school." I tell him, pulling it up more.

"Why?" he asks, but then freezes again.

I pull my hoodie off all the way and my hair falls to my shoulders in dark almost black brown straight strands. A few shorter pieces fall in front of my face.

He stares at me in disbelief as if I was a unicorn that could fly and poop out gold. Not going to lie that would be awesome.

"You're a... a girl?" he asks.

"Yeah. Surprise." I say, shaking my hands in the air. Jazz hands.

He gapes a little then looks me over like the older version of himself did.

"Wait hold on. You pretend to be a guy at school? Why?" he asks.

"Short story actually Alexis thought I was a guy when I first came to West Bridge. It just kind of stuck, plus I really enjoy wearing my hoodie." I reply sitting on the couch and folding my legs underneath me.

"How many secrets do you have?" he asks.

I laugh a little, "Too many."

He nods, and sits next to me with a little caution as if I was going to attack at any moment. I just might for all he knows.

"So story details. How we met, those type of things. I want to get this bitch good." I say, turning to face him.

He still just stares at me with a unreadable expression.

"Dylan." I say, waving a hand in front of his face.

"You are actually hot. Why hide it?" he asks.

They Say I'm a Bad Boy, but I'm a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now