The Rest of the Story

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"So, the human came out of the double doors, and I was there to greet them. I had a feeling that Tori wasn't, well, feeling, but I had faith. What if I was wrong? What if it was an accident? What if it was a wild monster? My gut told me not to trust the kid, but I did anyway. Papyrus met them, and befriended them. One day, as I'm sure you know from your timeline, Papyrus fought the human, not actually expecting them to fight back. I had told him to be careful but... he didn't believe me... idiot..." Sans wiped away another tear, but he was smiling.

"Heh... always believed in people too much. The human killed him too." Sans fiddled with something around his neck. "So people started to find out and leave, and the human continued its killing spree. It got to me... that's when you came." Sans sat down on a crate.

Asgore looked at Sans, and they both seemed to know what they had to do. Frisk just looked around, confused. Sans felt bad for the kid, she must be so confused. "Well, we have to start sometime." Sans stood up, not looking at Frisk. He put a can of soup in his pocket and opened the door. "After you?" Asgore walked out, then Frisk, then Sans. Frisk turned around, feeling something strange. Almost like... a presence. Seeing nothing, she ran to catch up to the two monsters.


sorry that these are so short, i just wanted to get this out there. I would rather have these small, short ones daily then to write a long passage and post weekly. What do you think, single person (at the time of writing this) that is reading this? Thanks :D

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