Chapter 13 - Ready

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“Now sweetie, don’t do anything stupid.” My mom warned me as I finished zipping up my suitcase. “Everyone’s eyes are going to be on you scrutinizing you. Don’t give them a reason to suspect you of anything. Just be you, okay?”

            My mom was starting to get nervous. She had seen some of the things that people had already started saying about me before they even knew who I was. She was worried that she wouldn’t be there if I needed her.

            “I’ll be fine, mom. I’ve got Niall and the other four to take care of me.” I assured her. “Don’t worry.”

            I had just finished quadruple checking my bag to make sure I had everything. I would be getting on a plane to England in less than 5 hours to meet up with the boys. I couldn’t believe it. I missed Niall so much.

            I went through the process of getting to the airport and waiting for what seemed like years to finally get on the plane. The ride itself didn’t seem to take too long because I fell asleep about half an hour in and had to be woken by the stewardess to get off. Niall was meeting me in the airport in incognito mode. I spotted him by the baggage claim and wove through the crowd of travelers to get tto him

            Niall greeted me with a wide smile and open arms which I ran into gratefully. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck.  He smelled amazing.

            “New cologne?” I asked.

            “That depends…do you like it?”

            “I love it.” I smiled as I turned to grab my bag as it came around on the turnstile.

            He took my hand in his and led me out to the waiting car.

            “The guys are going out to dinner later. Do you want to go?” Niall said as we were about halfway back to the hotel.

            “Yeah, absolutely! I feel like I haven’t seen them in –“ Then I realized something.

            “You okay?” Niall looked concerned.

            “Yeah, it’s just…once I go out in public with you my life changes…no more fly on the wall for me.” I was in my last few hours of no one caring who I was. Niall could see my worry so he reached over and gave my hand a squeeze.

            “Don’t worry, Amy. People will like you as much as I do.” I couldn’t be worried when I looked at his reassuring smile.

            I had enough time to shower and freshen up before dinner at the hotel. I couldn’t decide what to wear. I was never the kind of person to spend hours picking an outfit but this was the first time people would see me. Niall heard my exasperated sighs and came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

            “What’s wrong, Ames?” he cooed in my ear.

            “People, that’s what’s wrong.” I huffed.

            The low chuckle sent his warm breath across my neck prompting goose bumps to erupt across my skin. I melted into his arms.

            “Why don’t you wear that?” He suggested indicating a deep green dress that came just above my knees. Not a bad idea. It wasn’t too showy so people wouldn’t say I was a slut. It was comfortable too which was always a big plus.

            “You’re a genius, Niall!” I turned in his arms to give him a peck on the lips.

            “Well that’s probably the first time anyone’s said that.” He joked. I giggled and pulled his face down to mine again interlocking our lips. I hadn’t exactly intended on the kiss lasting a long as it did but soon his hands were sliding up my back and mine were tangled in his hair.

            Our lips moved together slowly and built in intensity. His hands drifted down to my hips and then to my thighs as he indicated for me to hop up so he was carrying me. I wrapped my legs around his torso and I felt my back against the wall. He pushed up against me pinning me to the surface as he brought more vigor into the kiss. Then he separated his lips from mine and brought them to my neck. He made a trail of kisses from my collar bone to my jaw line. Weak sighs left my lungs as he started sucking at a sensitive spot. I could feel him against me. I clutched at his shoulders trying to eliminate all space between us. I could feel his smirk in our kiss as he brought his lips back to mine. He knew what he was doing to me.

            Knock knock. We heard from the door. Niall laughed at my suddenly frozen body.

            “Yeah?” Niall yelled toward the door without letting me down.

            “How much longer are you gonna be, mate?” Liam’s voice came through the door.

            “Fifteen minutes maybe.” Niall responded  before returning his lips to mine.  Smiled into the kiss.

            “Now Niall, if I’m supposed to be ready in fifteen minutes I should probably get changed.” I said with regret.

            “Fine.” He sighed, letting me down. I gave him one last peck on the lips before grabbing the green dress and changing. Luckily my hair was cooperating and I was actually ready in time.

            To say I was nervous was an understatement. Once we left the hotel we were going to be swarmed by paparazzi. I have a bad habit of chewing on my cheek when I’m stressed out.

            “It’ll be okay.” Zayn said noticing my anxious demeanor. “We’ll try to keep you in the middle of the group and we have Paul and the other bodyguards. Don’t worry.”

            I bit my lip in doubt.

            “Once we get away from the hotel it will die down a little. Just stay close to me.” Niall squeezed my hand as he interlocked our fingers. “You ready?” He asked as we approached the exit to the hotel.

            “Ready.” I breathed.

            The cool night air hit my face along with blinding flashes of light and a wave of never ending questions. I could barely see where I was going so I clutched Niall’s hand and stayed glued to his side as we all pushed through the crowd. The other four guys worked as a buffer between the paparazzi and I as we made it to the car after what seemed like eternity. My vision had dots all over it from the cameras.

            “You alright, Amy?” Niall’s concerned whisper brought me out of my trance.

            “Yeah, its uhh…just a lot to take in.” I sighed, “But this is it, Niall. Now I can see you anytime I want.” I said with a smile which he quickly returned. He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

          "It was worth the wait." He whispered as we all pulled up to the restaurant.


I know it's kind of shorter than usual but I've had a couple of HUGE papers due recently so I haven't been able to write at all.

Anyway I should be able to write a bit more frequently now.

I still like to know what you think so feel free to comment :)

Luck and Laughter (Niall Horan fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora