Chapter 3 - Sneeze Attack

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I still couldn’t believe that Niall had given me his number, I mean, you’d think they would be more careful about that, right? But I was even more surprised that he was actually calling me. After a moment of deep breathing to calm my nerves, I answered


“Hi!” He replied. “We’re going to send Paul over to get you, then we can get started on this video”

“Great! Uhmm…who exactly is Paul?”

“He’s our bodyguard, you’ll know it’s him when you seen him, trust me.”

            Just as I was about to ask what he looked like just to make sure I wasn’t going to be abducted by some stranger a hulking man came around the corner.

“Are you Amy?”


“Right this way” He gestured for me to follow him.

            We walked through a series of doors that led us to a larger room than before where all five guys sat on a couch. They all looked up with big smiles as I entered the room which made me blush profusely. Niall jumped up off the couch and gave me a bone shattering hug. The others chuckled as he released me because I was gasping for breath. As I recovered from the oxygen depriving embrace Zayn stood up and clapped his hands together.

“Alright, let’s get started. I think we might be able to change the lyrics to one of our songs to make it work”

            There was a sound of general agreement from his small audience. It was only then that I realized Niall’s hand was resting around my waist. Was this normal Niall behavior? Was he trying to tell me something? Or was I just overreacting because I was used to no contact ever with any boy ever? I assumed the latter.

            Seeing as I’m not much of a lyricist I allowed the boys to work laughing at some of their ridiculous lyrics. Louis wanted to sing a rendition of One Thing called “ You’ve got that Virus”. It was shot down by Harry who thought “What Makes you Contagious” would be the best cover song. However, we all knew Liam’s idea was the best when he suddenly said “Sneeze Attack”. That was the one. I held the camera as the boys sang it. It went a little like this:

And I’m like (Achoo) never thought it’d spread so quick

Because of you-oo

And (Achoo) you’re giving me a sneeze attack

Coughing like you do-oo

Cause you’re using all the tissues

Thought you could spare a few

I’ts (Achoo) giving me a sneeze attack

I hope it’s not the flu-uu

            Multiple laughing fits erupted at Niall’s “Achoos”. The video took way longer than it should have but I wasn’t complaining. They were all so fun to be around. Louis was constantly playing little pranks on Liam and Zayn while Harry and Niall goofed off dancing. I also couldn’t help but notice that every time we were about to get a good take that Niall would somehow manage to mess up the words. Curious, I thought.

            The video was eventually done and we sent it to Jen. It was nearly 2am so she was probably sleeping and the boys were disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to see her reaction. Another half hour interval came along so I texted my mom that I would be heading home soon, I was exhausted. I was sort of apprehensive about the ride home. I was never good in new and weird situations. But I was very pleased when Niall joyously said he would take the ride with me when I voiced my worries. He tried to cover up his enthusiasm by mumbling something about needing food and Nando’s. The other’s tried to cover their chuckles as the two of us hopped into the car for the long ride.

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