And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

I pushed my plate away and stood up. "I'm not hungry anymore." I scooted my chair out and stomped out of the dining room. Call me childish but I hated when someone took the other person's side.

I walked up the stairs and into my room, making sure I locked the door so Blake wouldn't try to reason with me. I couldn't believe he would side with her like that. Didn't he see how fake she was being? I didn't bother changing into my pajamas as I got into bed. Biscuit woke up from his nap when he felt movement on the bed.

"Do you think I was wrong Biscuit?" I asked kissing his wet nose.

He let out a cute little whine and licked my cheek a couple times. "Well maybe I was acting a little jealous," I sighed. I couldn't help feeling possesive when it came to Blake. I hadn't meant for anything to happen between us when he first saved me, but things changed. I smiled to myself as recalled everything that had happened between us since the day Blake literally sweeped me off my paws.

 Fierce determination swept through me as I realized that I would have to take matters in my own hands in order to prevent the black-haired bimbo from stealing the guy I was falling in love with.


Blake's POV

"I better go check on Lorraine," I told Jasmine, finishing up my meal before pushing out of my seat. I didn't wait for her reply as I rushed upstairs towards her room.  I felt bad for leaving Jasmine at the table by herself but at the same time, I needed to talk to Lorraine badly

I wanted to give her a little time to herself before I talked with her and 20 minutes was long enough. I wasn't surprised when I found her door locked. I rolled my eyes, knowing that a wooden barrier wasn't going to stop me from entering the room. I reached above the tall door frame and grabbed the spare key that I knew was laying there. After unlocking the door, I put the key back where it belonged and pushed open the door.

My heart twisted, seeing Lorraine passed out sideways on her bed. She looked like an angel, with her black hair curled around her sleeping face. Even without trying, she always knew how to take my breath away. I laid down next to her, elbow propping my body up. With my other hand, I reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. I hated to wake her up, but I also needed to talk to her.

"Lorraine. Wake up Kitten." I shook her gently, arrousing her from her sleep.

All the sleep left her eyes once she finally acknowledged me sitting on her bed.

"What do you want, traitor?" She asked, glaring at me.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Why? So you can yell at me some more?"

"Will you stop being so stubborn and just listen to me?"

My only response was a pillow being thrown against my head.

I grabbed both her wrist in one of my hand, pinning them down above her head.

I partially sat on her waist, refraining her from moving. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said smirking at her.

I gripped her wrists harder when I saw her chest heave up and down due to her anger.

"Let me go!" She thrashed back and forth trying to toss me off but to no avail. It only succeeded in making me arroused

I bent down to kiss her, stopping the thrash movements. "Are you finished?" I asked, breathlessly after I tore my lips from hers.

I took her silence as a yes.

"Im sorry I made you mad, but that still doesn't explain why you lashed out at Jasmine like that."

"Didn't you hear the way she was talking to me?"

"Yes but Jasmine our guest. She must've felt intimidated by you."

Lorraine scoffed at my statement. "Intimidated?? By me? The tiny kitten whose three times smaller than her?"

"You might be small kitten but you're a beautiful small kitten."

"Well she doesn't look so bad either," Lorraine blushed, raising her eyebrows at me.

"I told you already. She's my ex-girlfriend. I have no more feelings for her."

I tilted her head to face me when she turned it away, before bending down once again to kiss her.

"Don't you trust me?" I cooed. 

 She shrugged hesitantly. I sighed and dropped my head onto her shoulder in exasperation.

"Blake?" Jasmine's voice echoed through the hallway. I pulled away from Lorraine's warm body and sat up in her bed. "In here."

Jasmine appeared in the doorway with a regretful look on her face.

"Lorraine?" She asked shyly.

"What?" She asked hatred in her eyes.

"I just wanted to apologize for my usage in tone with you during dinner. I didn't mean to put it like that."


I nudged her knee quickly. "Lorraine. Please. She's apologizing."

She let out a sigh before sitting up in bed rumpling her hair, making her bed head even more sexier.

"I-, I'm sorry too." She finally said looking away. "For snapping at you."

I reached my arm out to wrap it around Lorraine's tiny waist, pulling her closer to me. I pressed a kiss to her temple, taking in her tantalizing scent.

"Sorry for i-interrupting. Im just going to head to bed. Good night." Jasmine said giving us a sad smile before bolting out of the room in a hurry.

After she left, I turned towards Lorraine and smiled down at her. "Mind if I bunk with you tonight?" I whispered.

She pretended to think about until I tickled an answer out of her. She finally nodded her head and smiled shyly at me pulling back the blankets. I grinned back at her and layed us both down, pulling the cover over our bodies.

I pressed a kiss to her soft lips before tucking her head underneath my chin. I can't wait until the day I finally turn 21 and claim Lorraine as my mate.

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