Chapter 1

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"Sometimes you put up walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."



Pull the trigger, pull the trigger!

I shot up, panting, sweat trickling down my forehead. I placed my head in my palms groaning. I had that dream again, the dream that I've been trying to get away from for the past month. Some times, I'm even scared to close my eyes at night.

I'll dream that I'm in a dark basement, facing a chair with a family picture resting on the seat. A women's figure would walk up, but never close enough to let me see her face. With her left foot, she'd send a gun skidding down the smooth floor, asking me to pick it up. I would instinctively place it on the side of my head, my parents yelling at me not to from the frame. But I would never pull the trigger. Not like her.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, taking in a deep breath before getting up.

I grabbed a towel and quickly got into the shower, lathering soap everywhere and letting myself soak up the water.

I dried my pale body and wrapped the towel around myself. I went over to my drawer to get my clothes, casually dressing in black jeans and a Black Flag tee. I slipped on some converse and headed back to the bathroom.

I dried and did my hair, adding a bit of waves. Then I did the basics of makeup, mostly nothing. I put all my things away and went back to my room.

I looked over at my alarm clock, 6:49. A small smile crawled up on my mouth.

This is the last month of senior year, and this is the last week until I am 18. I had plenty of time to kill, so I opened up my computer to finish my homework, you know, your average procrastinator.

I heard a knock on my door, it's time already? Eh, I'm on my last question. But wait, I promised my mom I would finish my assignment yesterday. I sighed, getting detention won't hurt. Or you could hurry up.

"Yeah," I answered shakily, please don't come in. "Thalia, are you going to eat breakfast?" My mom spoke gently. "Um, maybe a cup of coffee..." I really didn't want to eat at all, but I didn't want to worry her. "I'd figured you'd say that, its already made. You can drink it in the car." I nodded, shortly realizing she can't see me. "Yeah I'll be down in a bit," I said.

I finished and quickly looked in the mirror, fixing my bangs. They were average over the forehead bangs.

I headed downstairs. "Thalia," my mom shouted lightly.

"Yeah mom?" I answered back once she was in my view.

She didn't answer.

"Are you okay mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to tell you I won't be home, I'll be visiting your father."

I looked down. I never really got along with that man. But he always wanted to show that he cared even though he had left.

"All right," I said, grabbing the keys and handing them to my mother.

She locked the house and unlocked the car. A question has been on my mind for a while, and I think this is my last shot at it. I wanted this, so I was going to ask her.

"Mom, as you know I have been getting good grades," I started.

She chuckled, "what did you do this time?"

"I wanted to ask you if could I could getapiercingandatattoo?" The words just flew out, very ungracefully.

"A what?"

"If I could get a piercing and a tattoo..." I was mentally relieved that it didn't come out wrong.

She pursed her lips. "Okay, just not anything...way too exotic." I squealed on the inside.

"Thanks mom," I said.

"No problem Thalia."

Today feels like the day where no one can ruin it. Though I know something will.

We drove to school in silence. With all the silence I dazed off into my mind. I know where exactly I want my piercing, but where or what should be my tattoo? I'll find inspiration.

"Okay, have a good day, alright Thalia?"She said.

"Don't worry mom, love you."

School is great. If you have friends and have everyone on your side. I really never had a friend. Well, except one.

I guess it's my isolation that people like to label on me, besides things I'm really not. I already know it has to do with the way I dress, look, and act, but it has little effect on me because I don't directly fit into a stereotype. Not really.

I walked over to my locker, noticing someone was next to me.

Which isn't unusual besides the fact that no one occupies the locker next to me. New kid.

I got my things and closed my locker, hoping to see the strangers face and ask if they needed help, but they were gone.

I looked around, finding nothing. I paused and sighed.

"If you're looking for Mr. Skinny jeans he's over there, I'm sure you'll get along great."

I looked up to see Martin, 'famous' quarterback.

"Shut up, can you?" I said, walking off to my first class.

Which was inevitably with Martin.

I turned around to see if he had heard me, then felt someone bump into me. I immediately blurted out a sorry after another.

It was Mindy, a girl in my math class. "It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going either," she whispered.

She was such a timid person I realized she had no friends either.

"It's my fault, really, maybe we can have lunch together, so I can make it up?" I said with smile.

"Really? Uh yeah okay." Then she skidded off into the sea of people.

I walked into my English class, surprised by our teacher. He was never this early, he's usually stepping in a minute before the bell.

I sat down, Martin wiggling his eyebrow to his right. I looked over to see new kid right next to him.

I hope he doesn't tell him anything stupid.

"Please sit down already, miss," the teacher said.

I wanted to roll my eyes at Mr. Stynes, but I didn't and just sat down.

"Class! Today I wanted to give a rather fast lesson on poetry. Once we are done you'll have 3 days to make a poem of your own, with a strong emotion of your liking."

People groaned.

I on the other hand happen to like poetry. And at least Mr. Stynes wasn't giving last minute projects that required so much of our time.

Changing the plot a bit more, I didn't like it yet again, sorry.


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