Chapter Forty Seven - Time is running out

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Flash hurried through the hall, and out of the doors accidentally nudging Fireshot as he left.
"Sorry!" He exclaimed, moving into the hall. Groups of people were still crowded in the corridor chatting. Some people stood with their heads against the wall having taken a break from the loud music inside the hall.
Once we've gotten through all of this... Once I've gotten Twilight, I need to make sure I thank Sunset Shimmer for allowing me to go after her. She did the right thing. Twilight and her friends were right to have faith in her. I hope she finds someone. His thoughts drifted away from Sunset Shimmer and returned to Twilight. I hope she's still there. What if I've missed her? Will I ever see her again?
Flash saw some of his friends as he scurried through the hall, but he knew he had no time to stop and talk. Instead, he nodded at his friends whilst scanning the corridor for any signs of Twilight, but to his dismay, there was no Twilight in sight.
He reached the front doors of the school, and taking a deep breath, he opened the doors expecting to see Twilight at the portal reading herself to go through. Instead what he saw caused a feeling of devastation and sickness in his stomach. Outside was empty, not one soul in sight. The moon was casting it's shadow down onto the ground creating a sense of horror and an eerie scenario.
His eyes rested on the statue which lay at the front of the school, the portal had no evidence of anyone recently going through. I missed her by a long time... 
He began to approach the portal, the silence echoing around making him feel uneasy. His heart ached as he looked at the portal, Twilight had gone through. He had lost her, and he'd never get her back. Standing in front of the portal, he tilted his head, wishing for Twilight to suddenly come back through. A little spark of hope remained in his heart for a few minutes as he stood there desperate. The hope slowly drifting away with every minute he spent staring helplessly at the portal before him.
One thought ticked over in his mind. What if I went through the portal after her?  He soon dismissed it as he knew it could be potentially dangerous. Not just for himself, but for the other world. He didn't want to risk anyone else just because he was that desperate to get to her. Plus, he didn't know his way around this other world, anything could happen to him there.
Reaching out he touched the portal with his finger, still tempted, but shook his head. The only think he had left was the hope that one day, and hopefully one day soon, she'd come back.
He bowed his head in dismay. Glancing back at the school, he thought about returning to the dance, but eventually decided against it. He felt too disheartened and upset that he had missed Twilight. 
Bowing his head, he walked away from the portal where he lost her. He would never get her back.
Wanting to be alone in his thoughts he made his way towards the quietest, and calmest place he knew.
The clearing.

A Shimmer Of A Flashing Twilight Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum