Chapter Twenty Two - Nothing's changed.

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"Thank you." Twilight smiled as she took the plate of pasta from the dinner lady. She moved down with her tray, Flash by her side. She took an apple and placed it by her plate.
"Very healthy." Flash grinned, taking a slice of cake instead.
"And you're very unhealthy." Twilight laughed in reply.
She picked up her tray and began walking over to two empty seats. She was closely followed by Flash and they sat down together.
"I was thinking..." Flash began. "Seen as I leave next week..." He paused a little. "Fancy coming over Saturday?Spending the day together, staying over, and then spending Sunday together before saying goodbye Monday?"
"Sounds wonderful." Twilight beamed spinning around her fork and twirling the spaghetti. It slipped from her fork multiple times, sliding down the metal, causing her to be more determined. She spun her fork until the spaghetti was firm before eating it. "Still getting used to these human foods and how to eat it." She giggled.
Flash laughed, taking a forkful of spaghetti with ease. "You'll get used to it." He ate it casually, watching Twilight struggle with eating her food.
"I could just use magic to hold up food before." She shrugged.
He shook his head laughing. "Wow, you guys really had it easy didn't you?"
Twilight almost spit out her food. "You really have no idea! We had to face so many creatures... Frankly, I'd rather struggle with food."
Flash smirked. "Fair enough. Practice makes perfect."
"You're right." Twilight nodded. "That's how I worked on my magic. Only with practice did I become good."
"Then the same applies to this." The blue haired guitar player flicked his hair out of his eyes and looked at Twilight, smiling. "Maybe I'll take you out for Chinese tomorrow. I think you'd love to try chop sticks..."
"They sound difficult..." She mumbled.
"They are." Flash agreed. "They'll take a lot of practice, but you need to start off somewhere."
"How do they work?" She quizzed.
Flash held his spoon and fork between his fingers attempting to demonstrate chop sticks. "They're two sticks..." He began. "You hold them like so." He nodded towards his hands and moved his fingers to make the chop sticks move. "Imagine trying to pick up spaghetti with these."
"Impossible." Twilight laughed.
Flash scooped up a batch of spaghetti, eating it. "Well, in Chinese food, there's something called noodles which are similar, but different taste. And you eat them with chopsticks not a fork."
"I'm going to fail miserably!" Twilight groaned. "But I'll give it a shot!"
"Good." He planted a kiss on her cheek, and squeezed her hand gently. "New experiences."
"Howdy love birds!" Apple Jack stood by the table with Rainbow Dash who was holding a football under her arm.
"We saw ya from across the room lookin' like a pair o' crazed kookaburras..." Apple Jack folded her arms, with a raised eyebrow.
"Kookaburras?" Rainbow chuckled. "I swear you get a new animal for every sentence. They're Australian. We're going through every country!"
Apple Jack shrugged. "So?" She returned to Twilight and Flash. "So what's the rumpus, ace?"
"I was just showing Twilight the concept of chop sticks." Flash explained.
Rainbow laughed. "Good luck with that one! They're difficult for humans let alone... Pony princesses."
"So you're okay?" Apple Jack interrupted quickly. "We thought you looked distressed."
Twilight smiled. "We're fine." She giggled a little.
"Okay, good." Rainbow nodded. "We're going for a kick about if you want to join us, or watch?"
"I think we're good thanks." Twilight nodded.
"I thought as much." Rainbow grinned. Her and Apple Jack began walking away, they glanced back at Flash and Twilight.
Flash planted a kiss on Twilight's nose before kissing her lips.
"They're acting like nothing's changed." Rainbow sighed.
"It hasn't." Apple Jack hissed. "They're being happy. Let's leave them too it."
They walked away.

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