Chapter Forty Six - Chase

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Electra watched as Twilight left along with the other friends. She felt useless, knowing she had to do something, but had no idea what to do in the situation. Lilith would be angry with her, but then again, she always was.
The friends hadn't started dancing again, it had only been one minute since Twilight left after all. And if Twilight had waited just one minute longer, she would have encountered Flash and Sunset who made their way over to the friends smiling before noting the looks of unhappiness on their faces.
"Hey guys...!" Sunset began, trying to be cheerful until eventually giving in and changing her tone. "What's wrong?"
None of the friends volunteered to speak, Flash glanced around at every friend, each and every one of them were keeping their head down. "Where's Twilight?" He frowned, a sick feeling in his stomach as he realised one of the group was missing.
Electra realised she would have to speak up for the group, and raised her head. "Twilight wanted to go home. She left a minute ago... To go through the portal back to Equestria." She sighed and shrugged. "There was nothing we could do. We had to let her do what was best for her..." She paused. "She didn't even say goodbye to you?"
Flash shook his head, the sick feeling in his stomach becoming more strong as he realised it was his heart aching. "I'm not surprised." He admitted. "After all that happened." He didn't know how to respond, or act, instead he shuffled his feet, unsure on what to do.
Sunset glanced over at Flash who was standing next to her, his eyes were cold and he looked uncomfortable and miserable. She was upset that Twilight had decided to leave, but she knew why she had. She still loved Flash. And as she watched Flash Sentry stand in the middle of the hall, she finally realised what had been there all along. Flash loved Twilight. Sunset smiled to herself as she felt no pain in what she was about to do. Flash and Twilight deserved to be together. She was over Flash, she just needed reminding. She'd find someone better suited to her, but Flash and Twilight were destined.
Sunset took Flash's hand and stood in front of him. "It's because of you." She stated, a smile on her face.
"What?" Flash asked, his expression showing complete confusion.
"She left because of you." She announced simply. "She still loves you-" Sunset squeezed his hand gently. "And you love her too."
Flash looked up into Sunset's eyes, he sighed. "I-"
Sunset laughed. "Don't even start with any kind of apologies. We weren't meant to be, but you and Twilight were. I'll find someone. I want my friends to be happy with each other. I always knew it deep down, but now I've finally admitted it. You two are destined for each other. I think, all along I was over you Flash, and I knew you wanted Twilight, but I guess there was some hope in me." She grinned. "I know now that the rush of joy was simply knowing I am able to love again. But, not with you."
Flash placed a hand on her cheek and nodded. "Thank you. You will find someone Sunset Shimmer."
Sunset waved her hand in dismal. "Forget about me, you need to find Twilight, and fast, before she goes through the portal!"
Flash didn't need warning twice as he bolted out of the room past Fireshot who was just entering.
Fire hurried over to the friends wide eyed. "Where is he going?"
Rarity spoke up having suddenly gotten her spirits back. "To chase after Twilight."
Fire rose an eyebrow, glancing at Sunset who seemed rather happy as the friends began taking their place back on the dance floor again.
"So..." Sunset stood next to Fire, crossing her arms. "You let her go?"
Fire nodded. "I did. Let me guess, you let him go?"
She chuckled. "Of course. It was the right thing to do."
Fire looked to his right at Sunset. "You okay?"
Sunset returned his gaze. "I think so. I just need someone who is more like me. Flash wasn't the one for me. I'll have to try other people."
Fire sighed. "It hurt for me, but I'm happy for them. I just have to look for the right girl. I don't know where to start though. I've never been good with people." He groaned a little, annoyed at himself.
Sunset let out a small laugh. "Me neither."
Fire managed a grin. "Hey, I don't think we ever actually properly introduced ourselves." He allowed his arms to drop to his sides, and he tilted his head as he waited for her reply.
"You're right!" She agreed. "I'm Sunset Shimmer."
"Fireshot..." He paused, his face turning a little red before holding out his hand. "Care for a dance?"

A Shimmer Of A Flashing Twilight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora