Chapter Forty Five - Going home

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Twilight pulled open the door to the school hall, peering inside to see the flashing lights, almost drowned out by the thumping music. All the students were together dancing and having a good time. She good see her friends in the middle of the hall dancing, and she chuckled to herself, entering the hall.
Searching around she couldn't see Flash yet so she decided to stand leaning against a wall at the side listening to the music as it changed around.
"Hey Twilight." She looked to her side to see Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle standing there grinning. "Why aren't you dancing?"
Twilight glanced to the side as she saw Flash and Sunset enter together, her heart beating fast. She needed to tell him. She looked back at the three friends. "I was just gaining my energy, but now you mention it... I'm going to go off and dance."
"With Fireshot?" Scootaloo grinned.
Twilight raised an eyebrow before realising how the music had changed to a slow song for the couples. Instead of taking the time to explain, she smiled back. "When I find him, yes..."
Apple Bloom squealed as she saw the chocolate fountain and hurried away, closely followed by her friends after they had said goodbye to Twilight.
Twilight took a deep breath and began to head towards the dance floor. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Flash dancing. He was with Sunset, they were swaying from side to side, her arms around his neck. Twilight sighed. I can't risk breaking them up. I can't do it. They're so happy together... In that moment, her heart ached more than ever before, and she realised how much she missed home. Staring down at her outfit, and then looking over to her friends she decided that it was her time to go home.

Electra laughed at Rainbow's friends dancing, but of course she was dancing too to fit in. She barely noticed Twilight until she had almost hit her in the face with her arms as she was dancing.
"Oh! Sorry! Hey Twilight!" She grinned at Rainbow's friend. "How are you doing?" She frowned as she noticed Twilight's miserable look. One by one, the other friends noted her look too, and stopped their dancing concerned.
"I'm going home..." She sighed.
"What?" Rarity folded her arms. "The party has only just started!"
"No, no... I don' think you know what I mean." Twilight waved her hand dismissing Rarity's comment. "I'm going home, to Equestria."
"What, why?" Electra's eyes widened. "Is this because of Flash? Because if it is-"
Apple Jack elbowed her in the side. "Shh, not now..."
Twilight forced a weak smile. "I've been missing home more and more, I just need to go back there. I need familiar surroundings. I came to say goodbye..."
The friends pulled in for a group hug around Twilight much to her confusion. "You're not going to stop me?"
"No, we want you to do what is best for you. If that is what you need, you need to do it. Of course that doesn't mean we won't miss you! You better visit us again!" Apple Jack was quick to answer her question. Electra scowled, but didn't know what to do or say.
"Thank you... I will." Twilight beamed. "If you don't mind... I- I'd like to go through alone."
"If that's what you want Twilight." Fluttershy nodded. "We'll miss you so much Twilight."


A/N - Awwwh! Maybe no FlashLight after all D:

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