Chapter Nine - Breaking

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Twilight buried herself into the indent of the wall which was placed on a corner towards the end of school where barely anyone visited. Letting out her tears, she wrapped her arms around herself and bowed her head.
How could he do this?
She closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them and seeing a figure at the end of the hallway, she knew instantly who it would be. She bit her lip, and let out more sobs. She didn’t want to face him.
The figure approached her slowly, his steps small, he was clearly cautious… Or, he was planning out what to say in his head. The light engulfed the figure at last, revealing Flash’s pained face. Twilight turned away, tears still streaming down her face. “Go away…” She choked out her words.
Flash continued approaching. “Twilight, please listen to me. Just let me explain.”
She shook her head, and rested her head against the wall.
Flash tried again. “Please….?” He stopped moving, and stood watching Twilight. “Give me a chance.”
Twilight spun around. “And explain what?” She snapped, her face drowned in tears. “How you betrayed my trust? I loved you… and… and you go and do this! I hoped you loved me too. I was wrong.” She glared at him.
He shook his head frantically. “No it wasn’t like that! She came up to me, telling me how she was sorry for what she’d done in the past, and how she treated me and-“
“And you kissed her?” Twilight’s words wavered a little. She knew she should let him speak. She sighed. “Sorry… Go on…”
Flash smiled weakly, knowing he was doing a little better. “She kissed me. I was being nice to her and telling her I had forgiven her. I hugged her, and she told me she still had feelings for me. I tried to reassure her that even though we were over, she’d find someone else to put her feelings into. That’s when she kissed me. I went to push her away, but you appeared moments before I managed to push her away. It was so sudden, I had a spur moment of pure panic, and didn’t know what to do.” He bowed his head sadly. “I’m so sorry.”
Twilight frowned a little. “You didn’t seem to be struggling so much, when I first saw you… You only pushed her away when I called out to you. If I hadn’t shouted your name-“
“No!” Flash cried out instantly. “I would have pushed her away. Believe me.”
“I don’t know if I can.” Twilight mumbled, wiping away a couple of tears from her face. “I need time to think.”
Flash nodded with understanding, but tried to take another few steps closer to her.
She shook her head frantically. “Just give me some space Flash… You hurt me a lot today.”
He nodded. “I know.”
Hurrying past the boy she’d fallen for, she didn’t look back, instead she let out her remaining tears until she couldn’t cry anymore, her heart aching.
“I’m sorry Twilight.” Flash’s voice called out behind her.
I’m sorry…. His mind called out to her again.

A Shimmer Of A Flashing Twilight Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum