Chapter Five - Something on my face?

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During the span of a few days since they had formed their relationship, Flash and Twilight had gotten closer than they had been before. Whilst in school, they agreed to meet up with one another in any spare time they could gain. Their time together was precious to the both of them, believing that one day, Twilight would return home.
Twilight sighed, staring down at her milkshake which she stirred with her metal spoon repeatedly, making gentle noises of the spoon hitting the sides of her mug. Twilight, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Pinkie Pie were sat in Sugarcube Corner.
"I'd be happy to help." Sunset Shimmer smiled looking over at Rarity.
"Thank you darling." Rarity beamed. "I could do with all the help I can get."
"No problem!" Sunset nodded.
"What about me?" Pinkie squealed. "I can help!"
"Oh Pinkie, you wouldn't keep still!" Rarity chuckled. "You'd-"
Twilight's spoon hit the mug for what seemed like the 50th time.
"Why so glum Twilight?" Sunset asked concerned. "Something wrong? Are you and Flash okay?"
She was a little shocked with herself that she was worried, but was proud of herself for putting her friend's welfare and feelings before her own.
"It's not that." Twilight looked up slightly, and caught Sunset's eye. "Well- Not specifically..." She bit her lip. "It's just that... One day I'm going to have to return to Equestria, and to my own home, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to leave Flash behind."
"Hey, don't worry about that!" Rarity jumped in quickly. "That's not going to happen for a while, and you should enjoy what you have now."
"Mmmmhmmm!" Pinkie grinned, gulping back her river of milkshake, covering the entirety of her face in the chocolate drink, attracting the attention of her friends. She paused. "What? Something on my face?"
Twilight managed a laugh before her phone buzzed in her pocket. She glanced down in time to skim read her message.

Meet me - Front of school: 3:00.

"Speak of the devil?" Sunset smirked.
Twilight nodded. "Yes. I'm going to watch him and his band practice later."
"Meanwhile, we have our own band practice to go to!" Pinkie bounced up out of her seat excitedly.
"Oh yeah!" All the friends had formed a band named the Rainbooms, which originally Twilight had sung in during 'The Battle of the Bands' in order to defeat The Dazzlings, however currently, Sunset Shimmer played guitar in the band rather than Twilight being part of it.
"I can't wait to watch you guys play!" Twilight added. "It'll be great, I'm sure of it."
"Thanks Twilight." Rarity smiled. "As long as Rainbow remembers to share the band of course."
"Who says I don't share the band?" Called out a voice. The friend's head's spun around to see Rainbow standing in the shop doorway, a smirk on her face. "Caught all of you red handed! Now come on, speaking of band practice, we're having an early one."
Pinkie flew out of her seat, and almost threw herself into Rainbow trying to rush out of the door, whilst Rarity and Sunset Shimmer followed the Pinkie Pie hurricane. Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow. "Are you coming Twilight?"
"I'll pass, I'm going to wait here until I can go and meet Flash. See you girls later!"
Rainbow nodded, and hurried after the others.

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