Chapter Thirty Two - Honesty

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Fire opened the front door and grinned. "Welcome to my domain!"
Twilight laughed and rolled her eyes. "Why thank you, what a gentleman you are!"
Fire shrugged. "I try my best."
Twilight stepped inside, Fire followed behind closing the door behind him.
"The living room is just down there." He smiled softly gesturing down the hall. "Make yourself at home and get comfy. Be there in a few minutes."
Twilight nodded and obeyed, walking into the room. The room was surprisingly neat and tidy. The old fashioned room contained beige couches and fabric lamps. She laughed to herself, Fire was obviously a lot different to his parents. Twilight bit her nails nervously. She needed to talk to Fire and tell him everything.
Fire washed his face and stared at himself in the mirror. He knew he had to try his best in that moment, this would all decide Twilight's opinion on him.

"Scarlett?" Flash sat down in front of the girl who had been completely transfixed in the messages on her phone. Scarlett jumped up in shock, eyes wide.
"Geez Flash, you can't creep up on somebody like that!" She took a deep breath.
"Sorry!" He exclaimed.
"It's okay." She waved it away with a flick of her wrist. "What's up?"
"I have some news..." Flash folded his arms. "I'm going home..."

Fire strolled into the room to see Twilight examining the room around her.
"Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, but it really wasn't my choice to have all this furniture. I can't control my parents y'know." Fire took his place next to Twilight. "Don't laugh." He grinned.
Twilight smiled and shook her head. "I won't tell if you won't!"
"I hope you had a good day today." Fire began. "I tried my best to make it fun."
"Oh it was!" Twilight burst out, a little too quickly.
Fireshot raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"
Twilight sighed. "I'm sorry. I did really enjoy it, I did! It's just-"
"Flash...?" Fire asked.
Twilight looked down and blushed. She felt terrible, she felt like she was ready to move one however at every chance she was given to move on, she shyed away.
"Hey-" Fire took her hand and squeezed it gently. "You can talk to me."

"You're what?" Scarlett's face fell. "As in... Going back to-" She couldn't find her words.
"Yeah... I'm going back to my school Canterlot High too." He added. "Of course, you could come with our group if you signed up."
Scarlett shook her head. "Everything I know is here. I couldn't just up and leave."
Flash smiled softly. "I understand."
Scarlett leant over the booth and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh man, I'll miss you."
Flash blushed, but remembered the other reason he had asked to meet her. "Um- Scarlett, I want to be honest with you. I hope you don't think- well... That something is going on between us."
Scarlett stared at him confused. "I don't understand, I thought- I thought we had a connection?"
"We do, but just not that sort of connection. Your singing is incredible and I'd love you to be part of my team, but I'm in love with someone else." He confessed.
She bowed her head and sighed sadly. "I-... I have to go..." She stood up taking her purse.
"Wait-" Flash spat out. "I'm really sorry, but you needed to know."
"I know, thank you." Scarlett nodded sadly. "I just hoped that- well, never mind." She turned and hurried out of the cafe.
Flash rested his head on the table in front of him.
"Nice one Flash." He mumbled to himself. "Breaking a girls heart."
He made a note in his head to make sure he made it up to Scarlett and end his time here on good terms with her.

"Alright, yes." She admitted. "I just keep feeling like its wrong you know? I know for a fact that I'm ready to move on and I can't let Flash hold me back, but it's just- weird..."
Fireshot nodded along as she spoke. "Hey," He cooed softly. "I completely understand and I don't want to start anything unless you're completely 100% comfortable. So why don't we call this off until or if you know you're truly ready? Because trust me, you'll know."
Fireshot shook his head. "You need this."
Twilight laughed gently. "I guess you're right. Thank you."
Fire wrapped his right arm around her and squeezed her gently, giving her a hug.
"I'll see you soon." Twilight looked up at him.
He chuckled. "No doubt about. I'm never giving up on you."

Yes, you did read your notification right, I updated :O!
I know it's been months and I'm so sorry. Been so caught up in college and other projects. I've been gaming and doing animations as well as being obsessed with Until Dawn and Ashley & Chris from it. Geez.
But anyhoo, I am back, and I will be continuing the story.
I hope you will continue it with me :3.
I thank everyone who has stuck through me even through these long months!

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