“You!” Beren shouted.

“You shouldn't be the one really talking!” Dustin said.

“You should learn to respect your elders!” Beren scolded.

“Oh, and you are going to teach me, kid?” Dustin asked, “You should be the one respecting me!”

“Ha, don't make me laugh” Beren replied, “I'm way older than you”

“Yeah, right” Dustin said, sarcastically.

“Stop it both of you!” Naomi and Lúthien ordered, glaring at both of them.

“Beren, how can you want to fight creatures as prmitives as they?” Lúthien asked. I kind of felt offended, but Naomi well...

“Primitives?!” Naomi exclaimed, “Who do you call primitives?!”

“Well, you aren't any civilized” Lúthien said, like a matter of fact. “Always fighting, starting wars, and being selfinsh and not to say your bad taste of fashion” She adds, looking Naomi from head to toe at her cloth.

“Look who is talking!” Naomi said, “You are not a fashion guru!”

“Oh, for your information this is the new fashion”

“When or where?” Naomi asked, “My Grandma's age?”

“Who are you calling old?!” Lúthien exclaimed, glaring at Naomi. “I'm one of the youngers warriors from my village!”

“So you are saying all the other warriors are old people and you are just one of the youngest older warriors there?” Naomi replied galring back at her.

Argh!” They both yelled, glaring daggers at each other. You could literally see the sparks coming from each other glares and the steam coming from their ears. I didn't know Naomi or efs could be this scary when it comes to insulting their taste in fashion. Note to self never insult her fashion taste, it could end with me being murdered.

“Um...girls?” Grandpa called.

“WHAT?!” They both yelled, glaring at Grandpa.

“Uh nothing” He replied in a small voice, taking a step behind.

They kept glaring and throwing smoke out of their noses.

'I got to do something befor they kill each other' I thought.

I was about to say something when...

'Naomi! Stop it and cool down!' Amar scolded. 'They are elves! What do you expected? They don't like being called either old or hear about their bad taste in fashion!'

“But she insult us too!” Naomi exclaimed.

'What do you expected too?!' Amar asked, 'They hate humans for what they have done to the planet earth!'

“For what we have done?” Naomi asked, confused. “What exactly we have done?”

“You, humans, are so dumbs and primitives” Lúthien said, turning around and walked back to where Beren was.

“Oh, take that back!”

“Make me” Lúthien said, putting her hand on the hilt of her sword.

“STOP IT!” Anastasia yelled, angrily. I had never seen her like that before, and I got to admit that it was way more scary than fighting that heartless one and a furious Naomi. “Jason just fought against one of those things and the world is going to be destroyed by a evil dagron! And you are fighting about stupid things?”

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