"TJ! How are you?" Erica put me at arms length as she looked at me up and down for any chances that I made to myself from the last time I saw her; which was two months ago. I did the same as well. Erica was beautiful, with her model figure, long black hair that stops at her mid back, olive skin and bright blue eyes. She was also tall, maybe 5'11 in heels and she has a Italian accent that doesn't really fit her look.

"I am fine. How are you? How's the little munchkins?" I asked referring to her two pit bulls.

"Oh they're fine. So what brings you to my office today? You need revive about your sex life?"

"Sadly no sex life. But I do have a good boyfriend, but we can talk about that later. I actually have came here to ask a huge favor that can benefit the both of us." I reached into my purse and pulled out the paper that had tons of information written on it.

"Let me guess, a case is involved." She leaned on her wooden desk before crossing her arms in front of her C cup breast.

I slowly nod. "Yes. His name is Alexander Dunson-"

Erica groaned. "That wannabe! He's a fool."

"I thought you was not supposed to judge your clients." I stated.

"Um, news flash TJ, he's not my client."

"Yet! Not your client yet. Just think about it Erica, he'll pay you."

She stared at me as she thought about the decision. Truthfully Erica needed the money....Hell! Both of us did and in the past ten years I've known her, I knew she would of never let a opportunity that involves money down. "Fine." She huffed. "What's his deal anyway?" I reached out to her with the paper in my hand. Erica grabbed it and unfolded the yellow paper. "Medication?" She read.

I nod. "He claims that the medication he has been using made him have blackouts, one minute he's laying in the bed and the next he's in his back yard; ass naked."

"Wow. I think I've heard of this before. But usually it's not the medication that makes people black out. Or maybe it's not a black out."

"What do you mean?" I sit down on the small lime green sofa while Erica sat next to me as she studied the paper.

"How old is Alexander?"


"Well in rare causes, men his age has memory loss. He was a football player, so the hits could of damaged his head. I'll look into it and have him come to my office tomorrow. But you may have to bring him, just in case he forgets."

Both of us stood on our heels. "Thanks." I gave her a hug. "I owe you."

"Dinner. I need to catch up with my best friend."

"Of course. Riley may be jealous though."

Erica waved his name off. "Who cares, let him be. I'll see you later. I have a four o'clock coming in."

I nod. "Bye." I walked out the door to see Ivory sitting in the lobby reading a old magazine. "Ivory?" I said in disbelief.

She looked at me in embarrassment. "TJ? What are you doing here?" She stood up and slowly walked towards me.

"For a case. What are you doing here?"

Like Dunson, her eyes was every where but on mine. "Um, just-"

"Ivory, Erica would see you now." Erica's temporary receptionist interrupted. I looked back at Ivory with a small smile.

"Bye." I waved as I walked to the elevators. Truthfully, I hope nothing major is happening to Ivory. I do have a heart.


For the rest of the day, I stayed home and looked over the files for the case as I sipped on white wine and snacked on seedless grapes. I was currently reading the two police reports and Dunson statement. What o found in the reports; especially Dunson's, was weird.

The police reports stated that they was radioed to go to the Dunson's house at nine at night because of a noise complaint with a woman and man screaming at each other. They got to the house at nine ten and found Dorothy's dead body. In Dunson's statement, he says he saw his wife at nine twenty at night. Nine twenty? Then he states, we had a huge fight earlier that day but in the afternoon I left and never came back until nine twenty where I say her making dinner. I'm so confused. The two reports have different timing and Dunson story is way off.

I sighed and dropped my pen on the coffee table before taking a big gulp of my wine. The sound of my phone, stopped me from drinking the whole glass. A random number I've never seen before popped up on my screen. "Hello?" I greeted.

"Would you like to take the charges of this call?" A boring male voice said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes." I quickly drunk the whole glass, knowing who called me.


"Chris! What the hell?! You got yourself in jail again?" I yelled.

"Listen TJ, it's not my fault."

I shook my head then chuckled. "What happened?"

"They arrested the wrong guy! That's what happened. I was walking home from Kiesha's house and two police officers just came up to me and took me to jail. Probably because I was black. They say I killed someone that I have not even meet nor lay my eyes on before."

I rubbed my forehead. "Shit." I mumbled.

"I need you to be my lawyer TJ."

I sighed. "Chris, I can't-"

"Why the hell not!? You're my sister, we can't you help me?"

"Because I'm not licensed in Maryland Chris. I keep telling you that but you don't fucking listen! I got you a lawyer, just hold tight."

"Please hurry up TJ. I got enemies in here that wants to kill me."

"I promise Chris, I'll get you one soon. Just....just be-" the line soon cut off because his limit of time. "Strong." I finished my sentence.

Fuck! I have to get a lawyer and the only person I know that's good enough and licensed in Maryland, is actually the last person o want to see...

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