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"Please come back to bed with me," the pathetic wh*re I bedded begged me.

I ignored her and proceeded to dress. The day was falling to darkness as the sun surrendered its time in the sky to the waxing moon and I had a lot to do. There was no time to waste with a desperate, clingy woman.

I began pulling on a plain black tunic when her arms circled around my waist. My body immediately stiffened. Her touch was warm and soft against my muscled back. She made a sound of adoration and satisfaction, but it was a wasted effort. Her affection could not penetrate the cold layers of detachment over my heart. Instead her affection made me sick, angry even.

I grabbed her hands and threw them aside in disgust. "Do not touch me without my permission," I shouted at her. She blanched and pulled away. Her fear was tangible and it almost made me smile. Almost.

I snorted and rolled my eyes instead. "Pathetic woman. I do not seek affection but satisfaction. Be in my bed when I return," turning on my heels I headed out the door without a second glance at the pouting woman I left behind. 

The night air was still as I lurked in the shadows of the countryside of Rolon. After escaping the watchful eyes of the damn Santeri Guardians, I hid in the countryside making a small village a temporary place of residence. It was easier to stay hidden in enemy territory. After murdering about a dozen of their own, they would come looking for me. It would be useless to come for me now but they would certainly try. The Destroyer's powers coursed through my veins making me stronger than 10 men, faster than a wild cat, and as invisible as shadows in the night. Not even Light could stop me. The Restorer stood no chance. Convergence was not too far off and my sorry excuse for a brother was nothing but a shell. He was certainly touched by Light, but Light cannot make permanent residence in him because of Darkness's curse. He would fall to his knees for I have learned to wield darkness and fully embraced all it has to offer.

The 4 miles to Scanra was not a difficult trek. I may have run but it was a mere stroll for my body. The night was alive with celebration as it was a sort of independence day. The holiday was not important to me. Lucian was the important factor here. I could sense when he was near and he was no where near the courtyard which made my stroll through quite simple. All I had to do was smile and look stupid. It was easy to pretend to be Luke. All the commoners believed it. It disgusted me how much he was loved by these lowly people. 

I had one mission tonight and that was to find Celeste. She knew more than anyone about my mother and her curse. Sure she would be surprised to see me after so many years, but she would give me the answers I wanted even if I had to torture them out of her. 

No guard questioned me as I made my way into the palace. Some ignored me completely while others bowed in respect, and some even embraced me, welcoming me home. I of course  barely spoke to any one. I knew exactly where she would be. She spent a lot of time in the old nursery my father refused to touch. It was she who was the child bearer not my mother. It was tradition. The tainted one never bore children for she of Light did. It was that way for centuries until my foolish mother brought a curse upon herself.  She toyed with Darkness and Darkness took his payment. Lucian and I were born causing an early convergence. Darkness and Light would battle until one consumed the essence of the other. Now it was evident that Darkness would rule the land with me as King. 

Navigating the palace was easy. All I had to do was stick to the shadows and follow the call of my bloodline. She was there on the balcony with the glass doors open. A glass of wine sat perched on the ledge as she gazed out into the night. The resemblance to my mother was uncanny for they were twins, but my mother's features were darker and Celeste had freckles, she was shorter, and looked older than her years. 

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