Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I used my supernatural speed to get to my motorcycle knowing that I couldn't waste any more time then I already had. I knew that he wasn't just going to sit there with her unharmed. I also knew that he was keeping track of how long it takes me to get there. I sped to the old brewery as fast as possible.

When I got there the intense smell of blood hit my scenes, I knew that it was her blood. I followed the scent as it got stronger. When I turned the corner to go into one of the offices that has been empty except for a desk I saw that she was tired to a chair, I went to go run to her but two men grabbed me before I could get to her. They forced me to my knees and pulled my hair back so I had to look at Michael.

"At least we know you can follow instructions my Little Red." Michael said as he stepped in front of me and reached out to touch my face. I turned my head to bite his hand and he slapped. "Now now Little Red... don't be a bad girl."

"Ugh what is that awful smell" I said then looked around the room and saw 4 rogues other than the two holding me down. "Goddess Michael. Can't you do your own dirty work?"

"Red, you should know that I can't, besides, I know I need more than one man for you now that you are powerful and not the weak little thing that I once knew."

"Let me go and we can talk like normal humans and discuss this matter civilly." I told him. But he laughed in my face.

"One Little Red we are not humans and I know that you will not be civil in anyway."

"You never know, I could be." once I said this he started to back up so he was standing right next to Kat.

"Let's see about that." He let his fingers brush her cheek and I hissed. "You see? I knew that you wouldn't be civil. You are too attached to this human, too loving towards her."

"Ana... please.... Help me" Kat said in such a weak voice.

"I will honey... I promise." I told her.

"Don't keep promises that you can't keep Little Red." he wrapped his

hand around her neck. When suddenly we heard bolts breaking and metal screeching.

"What the hell! One of you go and see who it is who came to visit." Michael said to his rogues. One of them pushed himself off the wall and went to where the sound came from. We all heard a quick smash then the walking of heavy motorcycle boots. I had to fight my smirk that I felt coming, I would know those boots from anywhere. Not long after the door swung open.

"Oh am I interrupting a party?" Tim said as he walked into the room with the rogue's dead body slung over his shoulder. He glanced over at me "Well hello kitten, I see you might need a hand."

"Nah, but if your offering to give me one then I will gladly accept."

"This little banter is cute and all but you two should remember that I am the one with the girl and I don't know if she can hold on much longer. Little Red, you might end up losing your little girl after so long." Michael said with an ugly little smirk on his face,

"What makes you think that she is going to die?" I asked quiet curious

"Because unless you turn her she will." that was the last straw. I threw the rogues off of me and charged to her with my speed and injected my venom into her. She started to scream and Michael went to grab me but I did a cartwheel over the desk before he could touch me. The rogues went after me and Tim but the two that came for me had broken necks in a matter of seconds. And the ones that went after Tim well let's just say they won't be reproducing anytime soon. Michael grabbed his gun and pulled it on me as I pulled my gun and it was right at his head. He froze.

"Tim, get Kat out of here."

"I am not leaving you here alone with these psychopaths."

"Both you and Dorrian have a thing on using that word for these men, or monsters I should say, either way I am the one that chose to come here so I think I should be the one to tell you what to do and I don't think that I need to explain myself in anyway. Just take Kat and go. I can handle this one." I communicated with Tim in my head knowing that he would be reading my mind

"You seem awfully confident with yourself Little Red"

"Michael, I have been waiting years to kill you and now that I have the opportunity to do so. I'm taking it"

"You think that you have that power in you?" Michael seemed to be doubting my skills.

"I know I do." With that I attacked. I was throwing punched left and right. Hitting in all the right places. He landed a few good ones but nothing that matched my rage of maternal instinct to kill what had hurt someone I loved. I ripped shred of his arm off so he would lose more blood by the second.

He fell to his knees. I looked down at his weak pathetic form shaking and losing blood. I smirked at him then heard him chuckle.

"You don't have it in you... you can't kill me..."

"Oh contraire, I can do it, and not only am I going to kill you but" I glanced up it the security camera and saw the red light blinking. "I am going to record it and watch it over and over again." He tried to turn his head and look at the camera. But I caught his head before he could look. I turned his body so I could watch his face when I watched the tape. I placed my hands on either side of his head and twisted back and forth. Going farther and farther each time I twisted. I lost all patience after 4 twists and I pulled his head straight off. After standing over his body for a few minutes I lit the body with my lighter, then started to walk out to the security room to grab my tape.

"You enjoyed that." I heard behind me. I looked and saw Tim.

"Where is Kat." I asked

"She is with Dorrian and Bethy, and I have your tape."

"Let's go then."

"Wait. Are you okay with what you just did?"

"Of course I am. I am ready for this next part of my life."

"Let's go then." With that we walked out.

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